alone again or not

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I hope you all enjoyed the last chapter as we are now in the new one and I hope you enjoy this one too.

I want to say thank you all for reading this so far as it means a lot for me.

Anyway on to the chapter.

alone again or not

After another time of getting beat up Naruto woke up and It was in the middle of the night as he was in a dark alley.

That was actually a good thing, night time everyone would be inside as he walk home, it was no problem for him since the kyuubi kitsune heal him.

Naruto soon got there as he did he went to his bedroom and open up the floorboards

There was a ladder going down to a small room, naruto had to bend his head down when he was on the floor.

This was where Naruto had his stuff since his brother would just break them, it was some books and some other things glass bowls that were filled with water and had rocks and seashells in them.

Naruto was reading books about sea monsters as he was reading he found one that look like Alberto but it wasn't him it does explain that sea monsters do have the power to transform into human when they're not wet.

"Amazing so sea monsters do exist," naruto said as he went on reading about golden coins.

If someone was able to get their hands on these coins they would be cursed and turn to see monsters the only way it can be broken is with a human truly loves and accepts them

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If someone was able to get their hands on these coins they would be cursed and turn to see monsters the only way it can be broken is with a human truly loves and accepts them.

Naruto took the book and left as he was heading back to the beach with some food to watch the beautiful ocean under the moonlight.

Naruto saw baby sea turtles coming out of the beach and heading to the ocean it was very cute but then a seagull try to hurt one of them.

Naruto ran out the seagull and grab it, "no you do not eat baby sea turtles!" Naruto said but notice the bird was scared and sad and was actually hungry.

Naruto look down for a moment and thought about it he split half of the sandwich and gave it to the seagull, "here this and go."

Seagull was actually happy and left, Naruto eat the rest of his sandwich as he saw the baby sea turtle coming right next to him and snuggle up.

"You think I'm your mommy?" Naruto said as he didn't understand why did sea turtles mothers leave their children and don't look after them it was pretty much the same thing with his mother.

His mother gave birth to him and then pretty much left him in his own room not caring what happened to him.

Naruto can't stop thinking about that sea monster Alberto, "I hope you really have a family that loves you Alberto."

By morning Naruto was sleeping with the baby sea turtle on him, the seagull that Naruto gave us a sandwich too came back and was sitting right next to Naruto head.

The seagull was actually here to lay down next time.

Back at konoha with Minato

Minato was in his office doing paperwork as he was putting everyone to their own team.

Until none other than Danzo came in wanting to tell him about what he found.

Minato wasn't going to be happy when he finds out.

To be continued

Okay guys I know that was shorter than my other chapters but I hope you all still enjoy reading this so far as I'm working hard to make this great, please let me know what you think of this chapter.

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