sibling argument and truth

36 10 22

Hey guys today is probably going to be the longest chapter I made.

This is going to be the chapter with something big happens between both siblings.

I hope you all do like it.

sibling argument and truth

Naruto slowly open his eyes to see Alberto was cuddle up with Naruto.

"Morning Naruto," Alberto said smiling.

"Alberto... ALBERTO!" naruto hug him very tightly as kushina was their watching them.

"Aww Naruto," kushina said as Danzo and Minato came in looking a bit confused.

"Kushina, why is that sea monster out of it's the tank?" Minato ask not looking all that amuse.

"I found Naruto's sleeping right next to the tank last night and I decided to get Alberto out and let him sleep next to Naruto 💤

Danzo roll his eye, 'wow this is great, now we have to deal with her.'

"Okay that was fun but sea monster, back in the tank," Minato said as he threw him in and upsetting Naruto and Alberto.

Alberto was back in sea monster form and had his face close up to the glass looking at Naruto.

"DAD! why would you do that?" Naruto ask Minato with sad eyes.

"Naruto he'll be let out to have a little bit of fun with you later the first he has to eat his fish heads," minato explain.

"He doesn't eat fish, sea monsters don't eat fish, they love seaweed and pasta," Naruto explain.

"PASTA!" Danzo yelled, "is that seriously what you and him been eating?"

"Who are you again?" Naruto ask as Danzo was holding a bucket of fish heads.

"I'm am Danzo, you last time we encountered each other you set free a sea monster and help it escape," Danzo explain.

"And afterwards you had your group beat me up for it and threw me into alley," Naruto said as Danzo was going on again.

"Well you deserve that..." Danzo got cut off by Minato.

"Danzo just forget about it and get some seaweed for this thing to eat," Minato said as Danzo roll his eye again.

"As you wish lord Hokage," Danzo said as he left, Minato walk over to his son.

"Naruto go back to your room and get dressed for the day, you'll see your sea monster friend later," Minato said as Naruto got up and left but turn his head around to look at the tank again to see Alberta.

"You know he has a name," Naruto said as it piss him off that Minato wouldn't call Alberto by his name.

"Naruto I could care less about the sea monsters name," Minato said as he went to the door and close it right in front of Naruto face.

He went back to his room and saw a pair of new clothes for him to wear as well the clothes that Alberto gave him on the festival as well the ones that burnt them off for himself we're all on the bed clean.

He went back to his room and saw a pair of new clothes for him to wear as well the clothes that Alberto gave him on the festival as well the ones that burnt them off for himself we're all on the bed clean

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