Naruto meets Alberto

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Okay guys this is a Alberto x Naruto fanfiction, I had his idea in my head that started to come so I decided to write it down.

PS the art you see on the top and cover was made by my friend Justin game 44 please go check them out and read his FanFictions.

Naruto meets Alberto

Naruto had ran away and hide at the beach, the reason why it's because the only way to get to the beach was to go through the Forest of death.

Most would not go in or through the forest but Naruto never had a problem going through as it was either going through or just get being up again.

"Stupid village and stupid academy and stupid everything," Naruto said to himself as he was now 13 years old and failed for his last year at the academy.

It wasn't his fault that he has problems with chakra control, his father was the four Hokage and his mother was the leader of the uzumaki clan.

When they seal away the kyuubi inside of Naruto all he got was the soul as his brother matteo about the chakra.

Now this might have not been as bad as it could have been but when the sealing was done Naruto's chakra core was damaged and he couldn't use chakra, Naruto thought he could become a Shinobi but it just never work out as he could never past his final exam.

Naruto family didn't really care what the villagers would do to him all they care about is matteo as naruto wasn't given any love or attention he was neglected by them.

Naruto didn't have any real friends as well as they all saw nothing more as a fox but there was this one person who he thought truly love him but it turns out he just manipulate him thinking that he did and then he broke his heart in front of everyone.

Everyone found it funny and laugh at him even the person who manipulate had wanted to see the look on his face and see him cry even his brother made so many jokes about how come no one would love him.

For all this Naruto always come to the beach where he would be alone and just look at the beautiful ocean.

Always wondering could there be actually someone who is like him I would truly understand him.

'Maybe not,' naruto thought in his head until he heard someone calling out to him.

"Hey there."

Naruto saw a boy withholding some garbage or something in his arms.

"Please don't throw that stuff at me!" Naruto said as he was scared thinking he was one of those mean kids from the village.

"Why would I throw my stuff at you? Also who are you?"

"You don't know me I'm Naruto or what others called the demon Fox now do you know me?" Naruto ask he thought as he was expecting the new boy to mean to him now.

"Huh? Still don't know what that is?" He said as he walk up to naruto and put his stuff down and shake Naruto's hand, "I'm alberto scorfano."

"You're not from around here are you?" Naruto ask as alberto shook his head.

"Of course not, I just came for my stuff that was on the beach," Alberto started as he grab his stuff, "anyway see you," Alberto jump into the water and swim away.

Naruto was surprise by this new kid.

With Alberto

Alberto was swimming back to his Island but couldn't stop thinking about that boy.

'Naruto... Naruto... Oh wait now I know he is he's a jinchuriki my dad told me about,' Alberto thought as he got his head out of the water.

He was behind a rock and it was still close to the beach but not enough for Naruto to see.

"How come he looks so depressed and scared? Isn't he from a rich and famous family?" Alberto thought as he started to remember some things about what his Dad told him how jinchurikis get treated.

"I wonder how his family treats him?" Alberto said to himself as he swim away.

Back on the beach

Naruto was thinking, 'I know there are other places in this world maybe there can be a place where I can be accepted.'

To be continued

Okay guys I hope you enjoy this beginning because I have more plan for this story.

Please tell me what you think of this.

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