Valentine's day with the Haikyuu boys

Start from the beginning


- He would get you your favorite candy.

- then you guys would spend the night cuddling and watching rom-coms.

- he would definitely fall asleep before even watching 20 minutes into the movie.

- Literally the sweetest.


- All out bro. Takes you out to dinner

- Probably gets you something really sentimental between the two of you and your relationship.

- definitely gets flowers too. Even though it's kinds cliche. Mans doesn't care.



- he acts like he forgets.

-But then SKIPS PRACTICE to surprise you.

- you must be the one he skipped practice for you

- he probably gets you a small necklace he thought you would like.

- With the help of Tendou he also got you a teddy bear snd chocolates.


- He gets the normal.

- flowers, dinner, stuffed animal, cute note, the whole nine yards.

- one thing that is not normal. HIS CHOCOLATE.

- he literall made you your own chocolate flavor. ITS CALLED MY PARADISE!!!

- and he only sales it the week of Valentine's Day.



- gets you matching shirts and you guys go out to the mall and shop.

- Their probably the ones that say
" If lost return to (y/n)"
" I'm (y/n)"

- he would brag to every cashier or every person you even look in your direction how amazing you were.

- so proud.

- then you would go to a dinner together.


- Makes you a whole ass dinner.

- Like 14 courses too.

- after dinner you guys watch movies and cuddle.

- he falls asleep really after though. He gets really tired after food.


- Definitely took you to McDonalds and let's you get anything and you guys eat while you star gaze.

- for a good part of the day you thought he forgot.

- but he didn't

- you guys did get matching tattoos though. That was his gift.

- As well as chocolate.

- the tattoos are:
" mine ———-> "
" <———- mine "

- their on your wrists and Pinot to eachother when you hold hands.



- anyway.

- he would definitely go like have a picnic with you in a a park.

- even though it's probably like negative 2 degrees he would cuddle you on the picnic blanket.

- he would also get you some kind of jewelry it would be super simple though.

- Also your favorite candy is a must.

- I feel like he would also write a really sweet letter too.



- he would go all out

- he wouldn't really know what to say so he would write you a a sweet note and lay out all the things he got you for the holiday.

- like when you get home from work there would be a whole counter top full of stuff he got you.

- he just loves to see your reaction

- you guys would also cuddle the night away


- staying in

- he doesn't care what you guys do while there

- he's just not really fond on going out on a holiday that would be crowded everywhere.

- so instead you guys would snack and watch your favorite movies while on the couch.

- I do think Sakusa would cook for you though.

- he would also buy you flowers and some candy.

A: sorry it's been so long. I don't really like the beginning of this one. The ending better. Thank you for reading <3

And I swear I started this on Valentines Day.

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