His eyes sparkled with excitement. But, it didn't last long and soon he was sad again. Mark noticed the change again and frowned.

"Hey! What is wrong now?" He asked.

"Who'll date me?"

"What do you mean by who'll date you? Ask anyone out. They would say yes to you without wasting a single moment." Mark huffed.

"That is the problem. Everyone knows about me and Jimin. They would be ready to be the part of this drama and I don't want that." He stated fiddling with his fingers.

Mark thought for a second. "Then, you should date someone popular just like you. So, it won't mess up even more."

"But, that is more drama. More rumours, more gossips." He turned around his head to side and glanced at the table at middle of the hall. "Plus, I'm not interested in dating any of these idiots." He referred to the group of popular kids.

"They are your friends." Mark snickered.

"I know. But, they can be annoying some times."

"Well, I know someone popular you might be interested in." Mark wiggled his brows.


"Min Yoongi."

"Who is Min Yoongi?"

"What the fuck? You don't know Min Yoongi?!" Mark's eyes widened.

"No. Who is he?" He just simply shook his head.

"Okay. I'll tell you. He is a junior. He participated in that Music Festival school organized last year and he won it. He played piano and it was soo beautiful. Don't you remember?" Mark recalled.

"Yeah. I remember the piano but not the guy you are talking about." He crossed his arms.

"Man! He is short, pale and currently has white hair. It's crazy that you don't know about him. The whole school is drooling over him. Both boys and girls. But, he doesn't seems to be interested in anyone."

"Wow. And you think he would be interested in dating me?" Taehyung raised a brow.

"He might be. But, we'll have to ask him about it."

"You know him?"

"I don't. But I do know someone who does." Mark grinned.

Taehyung hummed in response. "This better work for me, Mark."

"Don't worry. It will."


"Thank you for the food, Dahyunie! It was so delicious~" The white haired boy chirped and smiled widely. His beautiful gums on display.

"I'm happy that you liked it, Yoonie. My mom made it especially for you." The blonde girl smiled back.

It was lunch time and both best friends, Yoongi and Dahyun, were sitting alone on the roof top. It was their usual spot. Yoongi didn't like to sit in cafeteria since most of the people like to annoy him. He didn't like to be the center of attention. So, he was better off with his bestie.

They kept on joking and laughing here and there. Until, Dahyun cleared her throat to get his attention. "Hey Yoongi!" She called.

The boy hummed, holding his stomach that is hurting in process of recovering from laughter.

"I...I wanna ask you something, Yoongs." She spoke.

"Oh. Okay. Go on." He shifted on his spot and sat across her.

"Um. First of all, Yoongi. You know that we have been friends for like our whole life. So, I want you to know that, no matter what happens, we stay friends." She spoke in serious tone.

"I know, Dahyunie. Just tell me what do you wanna say." Yoongi placed his face on his palms and stared at her.

"So, the thing is that..." She closed her eyes before opening them again. Taking in a deep breath, she stared back deep in Yoongi's eyes.

"I-I like you, Yoongi. Like, really really like you. More than just friends." Yoongi's eyes widened at her statement.

"Yoongi, I've always liked you. Since, when we were in grade 2. But, I couldn't bring myself into asking you. I was afraid that I would ruin our friendship. And I didn't wanted that because I really cherish our bond." She stared down at her lap and exhaled heavily.

Yoongi was flustered after hearing his best friend's confession. His cheeks were tinted crimson and his mouth opened ajar.

Dahyun looked at him and smiled. "So, uh, the real thing is, um,..." Her cheek heated up as she stammered. ".... would you like to go out with me? Like, on a date?" She asked nervously.

Yoongi was still speechless. It was just all of sudden to him. Now, it was getting awkward. Dahyun was biting her lip in anticipation and he was just too quiet. He needed to say something.

So, he cleared his throat and licked his dry lips. "Uh...D-Dahyun...I-..."

"Wait a minute!" She raised a hand and the boy flinched.

"Sorry. But, before you say something, Yoongi. I need to you to know that. No matter what decision you make, it is okay with me. You want to think, take your time. Even, if you say no, that is okay with me. It's just that whether you say 'yes or no', it doesn't affect our friendship. We still stay best friends. It's just that I wanted this to get off my chest." She assured.

He let out a sigh of relief. Dahyun wasn't demanding and he was extremely thankful for that. He had known her 12 years. They basically grew up together. She wasn't the type of person to make you feel bad or uncomfortable. He exhaled heavily and smiled.

"Dubu. Actually, uh, I don't really know what to say. I mean I really appreciate that you decided to tell me how you feel. And about your question, I would like to think about it." He replied honestly.

She sighed in relief and pinched hid cheek. "That is what I like the most about you, Yoongi. You're honest about whatever you think and say. It's okay. No hurries. Take your time." She smiled.

The bell rang getting their attention. "Let's go, dubu. Mrs. Han isn't gonna let us enter the class even if we are a minute late." Yoongi said gathering his things.

"Exactly." Both of them stood up with their bags on their back and started to walk back toward the class.

Yoongi felt his phone vibrating in his pocket. He took it out and it was a text.

Hobi hyung 🐿️:

Hey Yoongs! Meet me at the
at the cafe after school. I want
you to meet someone.

Yoongz 😺❤️:


(1632 words)

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