"Yes. If we don't get this shit outta here before Limbrey gets here, nobody's gonna know. So saddle up," John B told them before they all made their way over to the golden cross, getting ready to pick it up.

They all began to pull it out of the ground, it's heaviness making them grunt and groan. Even with the six of them holding it, it was still heavy as hell, which was causing them to argue because they were barely going anywhere.

"Guys. I can't, I can't," Pope groaned. They all began to shout "No!" at him, but it was no use. He let go of his end, causing it to slam back down on the floor.

Kyla jumped back, not wanting it to land on her foot. "Damn it, yo! You almost dropped it on my foot!" JJ yelled at Sarah.

"'Cause I'm the only one lifting it!" Sarah argued back.

"Oh, you sure—"

"JJ!" Kyla cut him off, stepping in between him and Sarah to stop them from arguing. He gave her an offended look before he looked at John B, who had started talking.

"Okay, okay, okay, okay! Listen, we'll make, like, a sling, like a little—"

"Yeah, yeah, and then we'll put it on the tail hitch," JJ cut him off, finishing his sentence.


"Guys! Guy, guys, I'm not okay. I'm not okay," Pope called out, making them all start to walk over to him to make sure he was okay.

"Your eye, it looks all puffy," Kiara pointed out and Kyla's eyes widened once again once she saw it.

"Oh, my God," she breathed out, getting concerned.

"You good? You don't look too good, bro," JJ said.

"I can't—" Pope took in a deep breath, trying to breathe but it wasn't working.

"He's having an allergic reaction," Kyla realized.

"How do you know?" JJ questioned.

"I paid attention in health class!" she said before she placed a hand on Pope's arm; trying to steady him.

"How many times did you get stung?" Sarah asked Pope before his eyes went back and he began to slide down the pew.

・・・・☆・・・・☆ ・・・・

After the Pogues helped Pope to the truck and JJ tried to hide the cross, JJ drove to his cousin's house since he was an EMT.

"Ricky!" JJ yelled once he pulled into his driveway, the Pogues immediately stumbling out of the car to try and help Pope out. "Ricky! Hey! Bro! Ricky! Ricky!" The blonde ran up to the door, trying to get it open.

"Just stay awake for us, okay?" Kyla told Pope as the rest of them tried to get him out of the car. She was trying to stay calm, but as Pope started to take sharper breaths by the second, she was starting to freak out.

They heaved him out of the truck, noticing that JJ was still yelling at his cousin to open the door. They all began to protest, yelling to the man that Pope couldn't breathe.

JJ continuously banged on the windows and the door before Ricky opened up the door. "Who can't breathe?" he questioned in annoyance, not knowing of the severity of what was happening.

"Look at him! Help my friend!" John B pleaded as Pope sagged down in their arms.

"Please!" Kiara and Kyla shouted, their voices strained from all the yelling.

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