Chapter Nine: Take Your Time

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A/N: ITS S19/GREYS DAY (I've missed saying that) - After a slightly longer break than anticipated I am finally back and I can't wait for you all to see what I've been up to - we are going to have some highs and some lows but as long as you trust me we will all be fine (hopefully).

Thank you all for being so patient with me while I took some time off, I hope you enjoyed the one shots - I tried to at least put a few things out here and there, but I really appreciate it!

But for the most important we go: Chapter Nine - enjoy!

3 months later...

Maya was pacing the floors of a small office, it was nicely decorated - 'organised clutter' as she had deemed it the very first time she'd walked in. Small plant pots were placed across a bookshelf, with a few different seating options scattered around the room. When she'd first noticed it, it had made her uncomfortable - it felt like a test. Where would she sit and why? As if she was being analysed from her very first decision.

So for the first month she'd stood. Refused to take a seat out of principle. But that idea had soon become aggravating for herself and she'd reluctantly taken the one in front of Dr Lewis' own chair.

Dr Lewis hadn't made Maya's choice a noticeable one, but of course she'd recognised it. In her opinion that was progress, she was finally being trusted by the blonde. She was letting herself become slightly more open.

However the reason she was now pacing, and standing again, was because of one single question. "What happened that day?"

Maya had been attending the therapist's office for the better part of two months, and it was helping. She was beginning to understand the nightmares, she was learning to combat her own mind and redirect it. She knew she would never be totally free from them, but her nights were becoming easier - although it was slow, she was getting there. Day by day.

"Now Maya I want to talk to you about something."

"Sure," Maya shrugged, her fingers spinning a pencil as she spoke.

"We have spoken a lot about what happened while you were deployed and I would say we have made some good progress regarding that."

"I agree - it's helped, a lot," Maya smiled.

"I'm glad you agree. But I was wondering if we could talk about what happened three months ago?"

"What about it?" Maya asked, her eyes flicking down to the movements of her fingers.

"About what happened that day? You were put in an incredibly traumatic position-"

"Carina was the one who had gun pointed at her head not me." Maya interrupted.

"True. But you were also put into a very difficult situation. The woman you love was in danger - that would terrify anyone. I think you deserve to feel something about that no?"

Maya shrugged.

"Maya, what happened that day?"

Maya's eyes seemed to harden at the question, that day flashing back to her.

Three months ago

Everything that happened in the next three seconds felt like a flick of a switch, one minute there was gun pointing towards her head the next Maya had kicked Mr Clark in the back of his knees while simultaneously putting her hand on the chamber, her other forcing his wrist inwards forcing the gun to move away from Carina - she followed all those movements up by elbowing him in the chest, his body collapsing to the ground as Maya wrestled the gun from his grip.

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