Chapter 11 (50%)

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A small chaos erupted as the mother and the son exchanged words heatedly. An outsider could only stay quiet, feeling certain guilt towards the old boss who had been nothing but kind to her.

"Mum. Why didn't you tell me you were coming?"

"Well, you never had any problems with that before."

Myles couldn't detect any hidden intent in her honest response. Feeling a little stressed, he wanted to pull his hair out, but soon remembered that he didn't have any left on his head.

"Just tell me why Nicky is here with you."

"She doesn't live here, she's only working as my manager."

"You never told me about that."

"It doesn't matter. I'm a grown-up and I don't have to give you or Dad a report on everything."

The real reason was because she had asked Myles not to disclose her career move to his mother. Seeing this conversation, Niksa was more convinced that he could be pretty nasty, especially with his close circle like his family or co-workers. His words were sharp like blades, nothing less from this stubborn man.

"I've asked that of you, Myles darling. We've talked through it."

Even though she wasn't quite sure what his mother meant, Niksa admired how she could keep calm despite her son's growing anger.

Myles got up from the sofa and left the sitting room, leaving behind the two women who were glancing at each other. Niksa lifted her palms to pay respect to the senior in the room.

"I'm very sorry that I didn't inform you of my decision."

"I understand, Nicky. I don't blame the office either. It's just a shame to lose a good resource."

Hearing that, Niksa felt relieved that Madame Carlton hadn't misunderstood her intention, or changed the way she saw her.

"The time I got to spend taking care of the VIP guests in the last two weeks inspired me to find a new challenge in my career, and then I got an offer from Myles. England is like my second home so I decided to accept."

The reasonable explanation easily won over Kathleeya. A smile lit up the beautiful face that remained unmatched as she looked at the woman who had been nothing but proper with trust and kindness.

"It's actually a good thing that we have you to take care of Myles. He is stubborn, but not stupid."

Niksa wasn't sure if she understood everything, still she was touched by her motherly love. She decided to stick with her choice and do her best, so as to not let down her trust and respect.

"Mister Nikom must be worried about you."

"I think he will be fine. I'm a grown adult after all," she looked down, hiding the turmoil in her eyes.

Kathleeya noticed. She smiled encouragingly when their eyes met.

"Since it's come to this, I will ask my son to have you trained in asset management with his advisor. He is not just anyone, but Marcus, his second oldest brother. Everything else related to society and charity too. That is run by me and Melanie, my stepdaughter," Kathleeya laid out her plan, her eyes sparkling.

Just hearing that, her gloomy mood was replaced by the excitement and eagerness at the prospect of learning and doing more things, renewing her confidence.

It was the right thing for her to step out of the comfort zone to seek more life experience, otherwise she would never have gotten to see the automotive technology that was the product of brainpower, dedication and huge amounts of money. She was able to stand behind the scene and see what it took to become a successful F1 driver, and she was sure that there was much more for her to explore.

Racing Devilजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें