Chapter 4 (50%)

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Niksa didn't know why, or how she had said what she had said. She wasn't sure if she meant for it to be advice or encouragement, but one thing was for certain, she had let herself show some emotions. It was the last thing in the world that she had wanted to do, especially in front of her client.

Blame it on the residual adrenaline from the race for speed, or her last conversation with Myles, or both, several hours had gone into the new day before Niksa could will herself to sleep. She struggled to wake up when the alarm rang, not just because of the exhaustion but also because of the anticipation of awkwardness of facing Myles after what had happened.

But it was the recurring sense of duty that made her go against her own wishes. She got up, took a shower and got dressed, going through her routine like usual. She didn't expect the solemn, serious man from last night to go back to being his fun, albeit pesky, usual self.

"My trainer is flying in from Abu Dhabi," he mentioned after ordering his breakfast by himself through the tablet. "What are you having?"

"I've already had my coffee. Not to change the subject but do you know when his flight is? I can arrange the commutes and the connecting flight to Phuket for him."

Myles rolled his eyes at the earnest, dutiful woman and replied nonchalantly.

"He will probably arrive in Bangkok in the afternoon. He already got a ticket to Phuket so he will probably be here in the evening," he said before narrowing his eyes as if he had just noticed. "And why are you still dressing like this?"

She looked down at the dress shirt and the midi skirt she was wearing but failed to see anything wrong with them. They were both clean, free of any stain.

"What about them?" She came back up and asked, honestly curious.

"Didn't we agree to be friends? You don't have to dress up like an office lady to mess with my heart."

His eyes twinkled, his smile wicked. It was obvious he was just teasing without any malicious intent. She quipped back before she could catch herself.

"Then you will just have to deal with being mad about me. These clothes are all I have"

"Nicky, you have no idea what you are asking for."

The warning delivered in a warm, deep voice made Niksa shiver. She averted her gaze and moved the topic away from herself.

"Do you want to go pick up your friend at the airport? I can ask the resort to have a car ready."

Myles stopped to think and nodded.

"Come with me, will you? Henry must be hot in his seat, now that I have got a pretty new caretaker."

The new caretaker gave him a half-hearted smile. She would just pretend that she hadn't heard the last sentence. By now she had learned that it bore no fruits to take his flirty remarks from a playboy racer like Myles seriously.

After his breakfast, a bowl of boiled oatmeal, had arrived, Niksa dialed the resort to convey her client's wish. After she hung up, Myles asked her to accompany him on a walk along the beach.

"Please enjoy yourself, Myles. I need to stay behind to supervise the cleaning services."

He frowned. He didn't understand the woman in front of him. Sometimes she was warm and open like a good friend, sometimes she acted distant and professional.

"Nicky, did you think I was kidding when I said I wanted us to be friends?" he asked, his voice as stern and steady as his gaze.

He stood up and left. Her eyes followed him as he walked away, perplexed again at his temper. Still, she didn't like the feeling of guilt that was looming in her chest one bit.

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