Chapter 8 (50%)

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Despite the worries her father's threat had stirred up inside, Niksa decided against seeing him. Days had passed and she was reaching the end of this special assignment. When she realised that she only had two more days, she felt a certain pang in her heart.

Myles had stopped pestering her about the job offer. Nothing had come of it ever since the dinner they had shared that night. Niksa began to wonder if he was ever serious about it. As his departure date was approaching, his focus was singled on the preparation for the upcoming races next year. There was not a sign that he was dwelling on the holiday that was coming to a close.

Myles spent the whole day watching every race from this year. Sometimes he would be in a teleconference through video call. Niksa was about to leave, trying to give him some privacy.

"This was the circuit where the accident happened," he said, looking at the TV screen he connected to his laptop. "Come take a look."

But she'd already followed his voice and stepped in front of the screen. They were alone as the cleaning staff had already left in the afternoon.

"Take a seat. Any moment now, I remember."

Myles never forgot the series of events that had unfolded that day. He could recount from the formation lap where he spotted his competitor's tyres with yellow stripes, while his tyres were soft and with red stripes. He remembered the frustration he had felt knowing that he would have to make a pit stop sooner. Soon, the rain had started to pour. Giuseppe, the race engineer, had wanted him back for a tyre change, but he had gone against his advice to make time, maintaining the lead ahead of Tobias who was closely behind. When he had made a turn into a straight run, Myles had begun to notice the dark clouds hanging low in the sky.

The footage cut to his car skidding off the track before crashing into the barriers. The footage then showed the red blinking lights flash over the circuit to alert other drivers of the serious accident.

Niksa averted her gaze from the screen to peer at the profile of the man in that very accident. Upon a closer look, the traces of his vein bore a close resemblance to the cracks of thunder in the sky. This had truly been a miracle that he had survived.

"I have no memory of these events. I didn't even know I crashed into the barrier," he met her eyes for a moment before turning back to the race that resumed after the injured had been transported away from the circuit.

His eyes were literally unblinking. Myles did blink his eyes less than normal people. She began to understand why she felt a rush of emotions every time his hazel eyes were looking at her. His long legs touched the floor. They moved along as if he were in the cockpit, stomping on the gas and brake pedals of the race car on the screen.

"Duh, Tobias braked too soon everytime he closed in a turn. Even if he had a better engine, he would never win as long as I'm on the grid."

Myles' smile was devilish, eager to get back in the cockpit to race for the glorious victory.

"You must really miss it," Niksa inferred from his glimmering eyes.

"Yes, I miss the smell of gasoline, the combustion, the sound of the engine," he replied, "everything, Nicky, everything—it's my whole world."

At his last word, her heart was pierced with envy. She wished she had been somebody with a passion and a dream. She wanted something she could call her world, with pride.

The world that had been built on pure endeavour and dedication.

One where the stake was his own life.

His world couldn't be more different than hers.

"I look forward to seeing you race, Myles," she said softly.

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