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First day as mrs. Kim!

Yn's pov

"Excuse me? Who are they?" I asked the maid that was standing infront. She looked at me and bowed, "Hello mrs. Kim" she said formally. "Hello and don't be so formal you can call me Yn." I smiled. "Okay mrs.- i mean yn-si, And this is Kim family, mr. Kim, His wife or should i say second wife,and mr. Taehyung's step siblings. lastly that is his real brother" She said pointing at each person. "And where is taehyung?" I asked when i noticed they were all there but taehyung? He wasn't present. "Oh, That mr. Taehyung was on his bed as he need to rest so they didn't took him, but instead they placed a single picture of him." She said pointing at the well framed picture beside that one. I nodded understanding. "Let's take him to his room, he must be tired." I said and they nodded, we maded our way towards his luxurious room.

"We will take our leave now mrs. Kim" They said as i nodded smiling at them and thanked them. "Ah! It was a tiring day wasn't it? Taehyung-ssi?" I looked towards him as he was sitting on the bed with the same face. I sighed and went towards him. "So should i introduce myself?" I sat infront of him, smile never left my face. "I'm shin yn, a simple 19 yrs. old girl with a very simple life? Huh? Ani! It's not simple it's conjusted i was trapped there but you came and got me free from there. I know that you must be saying that i don't like you cause you are like this, but trust me it's not your weakness and i don't hate you with that. We will work together to make you better, okay? Recover fast so that we can go out with each other okay?" I said with a wide smile on my face holding his hand on mine as i saw his eyes getting wet. "Don't cry" i wiped his tears that fell. "Okay i'll be back after changing okay?" I said and got up made my way to the bathroom to take a warm shower.


"Oh, miss yn hello" The maid said as i got inside the kitchen "Please call me Yn, don't be too formal" i said as a chuckle left my mouth. "But--" i cut her off "Please" I said and she sighed "Okay, Yn-ah" I smiled, "What is your name?" I asked as i don't knwo what should i call her. "I'm seommy, Choi Seommy" I nodded, "So... Miss seommy, can you tell me about taehyung's life i mean how did he got into that accident?" I asked as i took an apple from the basket on the kitchen counter, she sighed and started telling, "I don't know how did he got into accident but that day mr. Kim(Tae) was all day out maybe with his friends or his girlfriend, Then in yhe evening mr. Kim(Tae's dad) Got a call from the hospital that taehyung is admitted in the hospital and he met with an very dangerous accident." She said, I was shocked hearing that he had a girlfriend? Maybe they are together now too? "So.. Are taehyung and his girlfriend still together?" I asked in curiosity, "I don't think so bcz since then she never visited young master." I nodded.

"When did that accident happened?" I asked, "5 years ago and still he is the same, Idk why the medicines aren't working on him" She exclaimed with a sad tone, "What?!! What about the doctor?" "Mrs. Kim(Tae's step mom) hired a doctor for him, he come every week and give us some prescription and we do as he says" "What about his brother? Do he visits taehyung?" "His brother is a doctor he is a busy man he can't come often bcz he lives in an another country" i got confused, "If he is a doctor then why didn't mrs. Kim asked him to treat tae?" "He a heart specialist, and he trusts mrs. Kim a lot so he doesn't doubt her." I nodded but deep inside i wasn't feeling good about it "Thanks mrs. Choi, for telling" i smiled as she returned. "No problem dear" I bowed and left to our room, where taehyung was.

As i entered the room i saw him sleeping, i smiled and sat beside him and crassed his cheecks "I will get you out of this trouble, Don't worry" I kissed his forehead and got up making my way to the balcony. "Ahh!! So refreshing" i said inhaling the cold air with my eyes closed. "i know paralyzed person can be cured but it doesn't take this much time, then why he didn't had a single change?Maybe something is wrong. It is hundred percent because i didn't saw any of his family member in our wedding, Why? Are they this much busy to attend their son's wedding?" I thought with a suspicious face. "YN-SSI DINNER IS READY" i heard mrs. Choi shouting from downstairs. "OKAY" I shouted back as i waled inside the room. I saw him still sleeping "Taehyung? Taehyung-ssi wake up dinner is ready" i said shaking him. He opened his eyes and i helped him to sit on the bed properly. I told mrs. Choi that i will eat with him so she brought our dinner in our room i thanked her and started feeding him.

End of part 4... Stay tuned...

Btw sorry for not updating from two day i was not at home....

𝑯𝒆𝒓 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒍𝒚𝒛𝒆𝒅 𝒉𝒖𝒔𝒃𝒂𝒏𝒅↪κτн✔️[UNDER EDITING]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin