She cries and cries while I watch her just sitting there. Does she ever stop crying she needs to accept this. Hugging her knees to her chin she stills and stays in that position for what seems like hours. I wish I could just hold her in my arms and tell her everything would be alright that would just be grand wouldn't it? Minus the fact that she hates me because I might have kidnapped her for my own selfish good. Twice.

Why did I have to be so selfish? She could of come to me, then things would be way easier and she wouldn't hate me. Fuck I wish she didn't hate me. I just want her to realise what she could have if she only let me in.


 Hugging my knees to my chin I can't help but cry

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Hugging my knees to my chin I can't help but cry. My best friend, dead. I couldn't imagine a world without Cameron, that's a world I don't want to be a part of.

Memories of him flood my brain as I ponder weather or not I'll ever get to see him again. I was lucky enough last time but we might not be so lucky the second time around.

"I am the forest guardian do you dare cross me sir Cameron?!"
"I do dare!!" I charge at Rose with with my imaginary sword which so happens to be a stick.
"Not so fast!" She pulls out another stick and whispers ("this is my magical bow, it never misses") she draws another stick from the tree behind her and holds them as if she is about to shoot me with a bow and arrow.
"Any last words?" She asks her bow aimed right at my chest.
"Yes actually." She furrows her brows
"Go on then peasant!"
"Ok, well what I was going to say was...CATCH ME IF U CAN!"

"Cam look what I can do" I say balancing a spoon on my nose.
I laugh at Cameron's confused look as he tries and tries to do the same but never succeeds

"Fair princess, I have come to rescue you from the dreaded beast" he yells up at me. I'm standing on his balcony as if it were a tower. Cameron stands below with his sword - which so happens to be a stick and his dog - the dragon - sleeps near his feet.
"It's no use, no one can defeat the dragon as he is immortal, he cannot be sleight oh knight do beware!"
"Tis nothing m'lady! I shall rescue thee!"
As he gains on the dog, Millie, she wakes up and jumps on her. He falls to the ground and pretends to be fighting her when really he's just patting her and scuffling her fur.
She lays on her back for him to scratch her belly and he stabs the grass beside her with his sword-stick.
"Do be careful sire, for soon she will awaken again. Hurry!"
He runs up the stairs to me with Millie on his tail he finds a ball and throws it quickly distracting the dog long enough to 'rescue' me.

The bed dips next to me as someone joins me, I don't dare to look up my eyes and nose probably red and puffy from crying so long, my cheeks stained with the endless tears I've cried. I hate this weakness. I letting them know they broke me. A hand suddenly falls on my back, rubbing comforting circles as they moves closer, now sitting so close that I can hear their breathing.

The room filled with comfortable silence as we sit together speaking but 1 word. That is until he did exactly that.


Finally lifting my head I see him. Ace. The one person I never wanted to see again, was sitting
right there his hand on my back.

"What?" I question
"Sorry." He repeats "I'm so sorry Rose, I don't think you understand how sorry I am. Sorry I put you through this and sorry for doing it again. But I just can't help it. The thought of other men touching you, seeing you in things only I should see you in... it just, doesn't sit right with me." He takes a deep breath scratching the back of his neck. "And I understand that you hate me, after all I did kidnap you, twice. If you want to go then just leave, I'm not going to stop you, what I did was wrong and you're clearly upset by that and therefore, I'm sorry." He says standing up to leave clearly disappointed in himself after seeing me in the current state I'm in. "Ace?"

He turns to look at me just as his hand found the doorknob. "I wasn't crying because you kidnapped me..." pausing I take a deep breath before starting again. "I wasn't crying because you kidnapped me, although that's still not exactly the way to get a girl, I was crying because of Cameron because of what YOU did to Cameron." Gaining confidence once again "YOU put my best friend in hospital. He went into A coma because of YOU and then YOU shot him! You shot the only person I ever cared about!" I raise my voice prodding his chest each time I said you.

My eyes fill with tears as I remember one thing Cameron had told me 'the types of anger'. There's wet anger and dry anger, right now I was definitely wet angry, on the verge of tears rather than dry angry where you have no emotions except anger.

"What are you talking about?" He is extremely confused his body towering over mine as he looks down at me with a confused look in his eyes mixed with concern.
"Cameron, you shot Cameron." Tears spill silently and unwillingly from my eyes as I recall the memory trying to stop his bleeding with his own jacket.
"Mi Amore," he wipes the tears from my face
"I haven't shot anyone, not anyone that concerns you. Your little friend is still alive."
"What? No, I saw it! I saw-"
"Rose! Calm down, I want to show you something. Follow me" he says holding his hand out to me.

I take his hand hesitantly and he leads me out of the room I had been in for who knows how long. We travel through an all to familiar hall way where I tried to escape the first time only to be surrounded by 3 men. We make it to a room where computers fill a few desks most of them empty.

"Sit." He says, well kind of demands as he pulls out a chair in front of one of the screens. Leaning in next to me he clicks away at the computer and pulls up what seems to be security footage. Oh shit. That's Cam's building. "How do you-" I was lost for words what we were doing seemed illegal, hacking into a hotel's security footage, there's got to be some law against that. "I own the place Bella."
Ace OWNS the apartment building my best friend lives in. That I live in. Shit.

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