Chapter Sixty Four

Beginne am Anfang

"I have a two century dynasty backing me to be perfect, and dad didn't exactly hide his pressure to make me succeed, however it worked" Adrian says walking into the living room, and over to the main large windows of the manor to look out on the snowy countryside.

"You're father loved you in his own way".

"I know, I also know he'd be proud if he could see what me and Olivia achieved in five years" he says turning to look back at me.

Adrian wasn't exactly over his dad but I also know that he has forgiven him for what happened that was his one regret was spending that last month angry at his dad instead of taking it with a grain of salt, but at the same time I could see that that same familial motivation to outdo everyone who had been apart of the family before them was still in the man who could steal the attention of any room he stepped into with ease.

"It's two hundred years of business, but only a hundred years with the actual surname Winters" Adrian's grandpa says.

"Henry Winters the first of four generations of wealth".

"It took seven decades before our family reached peak extravagence" Adrian laughs, "then my dad saved the family, ten percent of Winters Group belonged to the Winters Family now our family has a trust worth eighty billion".

"That's what keeps this all here" Adrian's grandpa says.

"That family trust will last centuries" Adrian scoffed.

"Why do you say that".

"Because I fully believe in having the new wealth be worked for. Am I grateful to have been raised in a penthouse, and drive the cars I did until nineteen also yes, but I hated using money I didn't work for".

"That was the mentality of your parents, it's good that it got moved onto you".

"I agree I don't think I could have dealt with you if you were the typical rich kid" I tease with a small smile.

"You're lucky you're pretty" he says shaking his head at me.

"You love me" I counter and he just smirks.

"More then anything else in the whole world".

"Nath they're like how we were" Adrian's grandma says looking over at her husband.

"They are too Katherine" his grandpa replied.

"Seven years nearly" Adrian muses looking over at me.

Twenty third of December" I reply.

"That's for the Paris trip, and even then it'll be fun, it's usually fun, and exciting".

"You two go to Paris every year don't you" Adrian's grandma implores.

"Yes we do" I say with a warm smile at all the memories we had made there. "It's probably the place I look forward to going to most, simply because I feel like that same sixteen year old girl".

"That's the beauty of Paris" Adrian laughs crossing his arms over one another as he leaned on the couch.

"It is, and I love it, I also get to dance in the snow along the Seine".

"Yes you do, and I get to think of how beautiful you look when you do".

This makes me flush because I actually have never noticed the change in demeanour when he does watch me do so, he simply watches with a small smile on his lips looking amused, and captivated.

"Don't toy with me" I warn narrowing my eyes at him.

"Never bellissima, not even for a second" he replies without missing a beat.

"You better not".

Adrian then laughs and when I look back at his grandparents they seem to have these looks of knowing on their faces almost as if they figured something out that shouldn't be said aloud, but there was also an admiring glow as they did.

"I need a drink of water" I say standing, "which way to the kitchen?".

"Oh, just go down that hall at the end is where it is" Adrian's grandma says and I give a thankful nod before walking off towards the kitchen.

When I entered I found what almost looked like two separate islands behind a cupboard wall, and on the other side was a counter with a double sink. The wall of the room were also glass letting in the winter sun ray from outside lighting up the wide open space showing the brownstone tiles on the floor along with the granite countertops and flooring where the actual cooking space was. In a way it reminded me of the Cannes mansion but with more of a traditional feel to it that made it have a sort of connection to this room much like our own kitchen.

Opening the top cupboard I found tall crystal glasses in neat stacks, before I removed one and took a cup, then filling it, and putting the stack I had pulled down back where it belonged high up off the ground.

Walking back through the hallway I could hear hushed talking from the living room which was very different from what it had previously been.

"Oh it's beautiful" Adrian's grandma exclaims in a muted tone.

"I know I just hope it's perfect" Adrian says and I was almost certain I could hear nervousness.

"I'm sure it will be" his grandpa says.

"What will be perfect?" I ask giving them all confused looks.

"Oh, I was just showing them one of your gifts because I wanted an opinion on it other then my sister and Nico" Adrian says turning to look at me, and I nod before returning to my former spot to resume conversation with them, and within the next ten minutes I had long forgotten about the hushed exchange the three other occupants of the room had been caught in.
Two more chapters left everyone the its onto the next book. Leave comments, vote, and share. Anyways


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