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₊˚ପ⊹  The Beginning of A Blinded Failure  ₊˚ପ⊹

It began with blurriness.

Awakening from so-called "death" was quite congenial for the unnamed woman. The sun lavished upon the woman as if God was cleansing her of her sin. Besides that, she couldn't see a thing. All she could see was the blurriness of the cerulean aether and the indistinguishable evergreen. She breathed in and out to remain calm as she gradually sat up from the support of her hands. Touching the ground, which was made of grass, made her feel less panicked. The grass was not damp or spiky but it had adequate comfort to lie down. Glancing to the side of her vision, she sees an opaque sapphire rivulet. Dipping her hand into the rivulet, she feels the frigidity of water enveloping her hand. It seems that she has woken up next to a water stream.

"What am I doing here? And why can't I see properly?" the woman questioned, scratching her head.

"Well, aren't you in quite a predicament?" a mysterious voice sneered, displaying arrogance in its tone. "Who's there?" the woman queried, in a calm tone. "You will know my identity soon enough," the voice responded, leaping off a rock that was near the rivulet, it headed towards the woman. "To not be cruel, I will tell you what has happened to you. Due to some complications of your reincarnation, side effects such as you being blind have occurred,"

"Why did I even get reincarnated in the first place and where did I get reincarnated?" the woman questioned, she tried to back away from the unseeable person. "Good question," the person approved, pinching the woman's chin, and pulling her close to its face. "You have been reincarnated to the forestlands of none other than Ulphram,"

Ulphram?.... Isn't that the Forest of Mythical Creatures written in my novel?

"What you said is correct. Your character is the main protagonist of your precious novel, Alianora," the voice told, letting go of her chin and waving its fan. "You have complete control over what you do in life. Whether you want to save the world or live quietly is your choice,"

"Of course, I'll save the world!"

"Hmm, will you?" the person doubted. "I doubt you will be able to save it in time anyway,"

The unknown person summoned out a blindfold and a bamboo stick from its hand. It throws the two items onto the ground in front of her, as if were a piece of filth that defiled its existence. To which it was, the unknown person confirmed with a glare.

"To make this fair, wear the blindfold and you will see," the person proposed. "I will head off now, best of luck with your new life. Make sure to remember it. . ." the person discontinued, then whispered to themselves. "Since it will the last life you will have like you promised,"

The person vanished without a trace. Perplexed by the circumstances, the woman picks up the blindfold and wears it onto her eyes. Finally, she could see the cerulean aether sky and the sapphire rivulet. She wondered why she could see from her blindfold but didn't inquire further, as she thought that the nonsense was anime logic. She picks up the stick, and walks over to a tree, laying on it. In her mind, she tries to sort out the contents of her novel.

Alianora is the beloved daughter of the two heroes, Ryoutarou Tokikozu and Endomiya Yorushi. Her world would end after the Catastrophe, a war that was not supposed to happen. Despite being born from otherworlders, she is a high human.

High humans are considered humans with exceptional abilities. Their lifespan can be equal to a vampire. Despite having the ability to not eat or drink anything in months, their physical ability relies on the food they consume.

A Lone Human 〖 Part 1 〗Where stories live. Discover now