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Do you have any dreams? A dream full of wonders that capitulate the world of your reason of existence, or rather to the fact that a dream you hold is not purposeful for your reason of living? If you do have dreams, how did they come about? Even though those dreams are not yours, to begin with, why do you wish to fulfil them? Is it closure for your broken heart or merely for the sake of doing so? What risks will you take to fulfil that empty dream of yours?

In the end, you will have to decide whether the dream you have accomplished is worth the fulfilment of a lifetime. Don't regret the reality that you choose for yourself, choose wisely. If you regret your choice, insanity will devour you even if you recover from it.


The evergreen forests that thrive contain a feast of the eyes that one could dribble in fascination

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The evergreen forests that thrive contain a feast of the eyes that one could dribble in fascination. Though the girl who believed in nothing says otherwise. Standing onto her two little feet, she set out to explore the so-called "forest". Taking her time, she strode down a path that would possibly lead to nowhere. But that was not the point of her pointless journey, it was to see whether she could find the object she was looking for.

After some time, the girl happens to see a little boy sitting underneath a blossoming sakura tree. To her surprise, she did not expect a sakura tree to be blooming in a place that was not Japan. Curiously, she focuses her attention on the little boy. He had white hair with a shade of grey and eyes the colour of a sunflower. His skin was tanned like the colour of the lightest chocolate. Fiddling with an ebony ring that had a golden jewel on it, he didn't seem to care all too much for his surroundings to notice her. For a certain reason, the girl approached him.

"What are you doing out here all alone?" The girl asked, attempting to be friendly in a tone that is. "Is being alone normal for someone like you?"

"Me? I'm not sure about that, but maybe," the boy replied, not being hindered by the girl's sudden appearance. He did not feel the need to think for an in-depth answer.

"Are you going to ask who I am and why I am bothering you?" The girl grinned, her expression could be described as devious. She sits down next to the boy despite not asking if she could do so.

"Well, who are you?" He queried, his eyes squinting in an annoying attitude.

"Someone," the girl vaguely answered, her smile widened with her response.

"I know you're someone but who is that someone?" the boy inquires, adding empathises to his lines to enhance his eagerness for a straight answer. "Jeez, will you stop with these word tricks and tell me?!"

"Are you that curious?" She implored, not wanting to answer his question but rather to drag the conversation on for longer. "I would have told you if you had said I don't know who you are, please tell me, master,"

A Lone Human 〖 Part 1 〗Where stories live. Discover now