After some banter about rights and wrongs each other does, the two were mildly and playfully annoyed afterwards; walking out and into the main space. It was quiet as they passed though the door, before, "y'know we probably disagree so much about those things 'cuz of England and France." rang from the American. Canada, about to say something, bit his lip to think, which he found the slightly shorter nation to be right.

"But doesn't England say zed too?" Canada inquired, to get a cold glare in return. "He's england he'll do anything to make me look bad okay?" "But it's wrong Alfie." The northern nation breathed, the southerner deepening his glare. "It is nOT I SWEAR TO GOD IM GOING TO MURDER SOMETHING-" The Canadian watched on as his brother rant about the supposed logistics of 'zee', not really listening to anything the American was spewing on about. It was quite amusing though, watching him delve into the pits of no return to explain his cursedness.

Canada soon sighed, grabbing the others shoulder and shaking him, hoping it would snap him outta his weird trance. "Are you done yet?" The Canadian sighed, earning a small glare from America. "I wasn't but-" "Well we need to watch ourselves over again." Canada cut in, making America huff and puff but ultimately go quiet. Matthew smiled triumphantly, pulling him to the (seemingly) center of the room, before the screen lit up.

Canada sat at the couch, bored and playing with the corners of a blanket. Things has been slow and quiet, minus the fact of America's behaviors. He heaved out a sigh, falling back on the cushions of the couch. His mind started to race with questions and worries about the American, but when looking over at the younger brother's door, he heard nor saw anything. It was closed and — from the perspective of the smaller colony — desolate and almost abandoned.

He sighed, looking back at the living room walls. It'd be nice for him to come out, but supposed he couldn't force the american, and if he wasn't doing anything bad in whatever way, it was.. fine. Matthew still found it concerning, but figured it was okay for the time being.

He looked down at the blanket, balling it up and hugging it, letting his head call onto it. He felt a pang of loneliness shoot through him, dampening his already somewhat deary mood. He wouldn't want to bug Alfred, but felt painfully alone; the American having been mainly up there for around a week (minus food and other things).

He frowned, standing up and still holding the blanket close. He wondered about how many times he'd need to go up, check on America but to also stop his lonesome. A random thought, but one that intrigued the Canadian.

He knocked before walking in, seeing America glued to the window, confusing Matthew instantly. "Uh.. Al..?" He questioned, walking up to him, stopping in his tracks when America looked back, a large grin plastered on him. "Hm? Oh- hey Matt! What.. what do you need?" He said, smiling less and more casually, before turning back to the window with the ear to ear grin.

Canada let his head fall to the side, walking up to the side of the nation. "Nothing...? Just.. wanting to see if your okay..-" "Oh I'm great right now! Everything's going smoothly and- and everything is just perfect!" Alfred said happily, cutting the smaller off, who shrunk into himself as a result.

"Well... That's good... I'm glad your doing alright.." Matthew said, quieter now, but this flew over the other. "Well, thanks for seeing if i was! How have you been? Is that all you wanted?" He asked, looking down at the colony with wide eyes and smile, happy but with an unrecognizable strangeness.

Canada furrowed his brows, but nodded, tightening his grip around the blanket. "I've been.... Good i guess.. i don't-" "Well, that's great! Everybody's doing well, and everything going well! Everything is just- perfect..." He said, sighing at the end put his head in his hand.

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