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    The jury took all of 2 hours to deliberate a plea on my case against Delontaé and Quan, who now was being charged with accessory to second degree attempted murder. I took a sip of my water as the jury started to flow back into their seats. All with a precise look on their faces. Like to them this case was open and shut. No need to prolong it.
Me, my lawyer, Tae, Quan and his lawyer all stood up for Judge Hernandez. She motioned for us to sit back down and wait for the jury's final verdict.
I watched as the officer closed the door behind the last juror and took his seat.
"Has the jury reached a verdict?"
"We have your honor."
I swallowed my lung down my chest, not knowing if they were gonna set these two morons free.
"Will the defendant please rise."
I watched as Tae and Quan slowly rose to their feet, I can hear the trembling of the floorboards beneath their toes. Last call.
"On the sole count of the indictment, attempted murder in the second degree. How do you find the defendant?" Judge Hernandez asked the Lead juror.
"We find the defendant, Delontaé Richard Daniel; Guilty."
The whole courtroom gasped.
"ORDER!" Said the judge banging her gavel.
"One the sole count of the indictment, accessory to attempted murder in the second degree. How do you find the defendant?"
"We find, MarQuan Tellaford; Guilty."
"Thank you jury for your time, you may leave at this time. Defendants will be remanded to the courts until sentencing next week. My court is adjourned." Judge Hernandez said, banging her gavel one last time.

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