In the distance, six more villains burrowed from underneath the ground and revealed themselves. They all looked the exact same, sporting black bodysuits and a large silver crown upon their temples. Six identical faces grinned in unison, displaying a small peak at their rotten green teeth. The six men all extended their arms and held hands, immediately constructing a bright essence of energy around them.

Those who noticed the supposed transformation watched with anticipation as if they needed to see what would happen before attacking. However, that hesitation could only bring more dread into the minds of the remaining heroes. Once the energy dissipated into thin air, it revealed a larger figure that now replaced the men.

The combined six had morphed into a being that towered over everyone present. Their length met the trees that stretched to the mountains, and everyone below was little more than pebbles for the villain to step upon. "Bet you wished you stayed home didn't you?" The villain leered, moving their foot the stomp upon the closest group of heroes. Their weight and mass were far too heavy to move at the speed of a normal being, which greatly slowed them down.

Their boot crushed into the roots of the savanna, creating mini tremors around the point of impact. Multiple cackles poured out of one mouth and echoed with each spike of reverb. The villain raised their foot once again and looked around for another group to step upon.

A golden light illuminated behind them, bringing them to slowly turn around. The villain was suddenly hit with an immeasurable force and knocked them off their wobbly balance. The crowd below cleared the way and avoided the falling villain. The massive body cracked the ground upon collapsing, sending waves of dust and rocks to fly around.

"You're done Multiple-Man," A woman spoke, having been the source behind the force that knocked him down. A woman dressed in a gold and yellow bodysuit descended from the sky. A long black cape with a symbol of a star accompanied her outfit and her long gold hair. "Everyone! We need to clear this up before-"

Once her boots touched the ground, a large purple sphere appeared underneath her. The purple surface was covered with symbols, which none could read or recognize. Within a moment, hundreds of hands created from pure bones dugout to grab hold of her. The hero was swiftly dragged into the portal, silencing her without a moment. A muffled scream could be faintly heard beneath the surface before a scorching skeleton shot out from the Earth.

"So that was the fabled Binary? The heroine of one-million suns? Mmmh, not impressed." A woman dressed head to toe in a lengthy purple cloak approach the empty corpse of Binary. Her hands were encased in purple and black smoke, revealing her to be the villain who took the hero's life.

In the near distance, Hitomi crouched behind a large Boulder. Through a small opening, she witnessed Binary's sudden death, and she forced herself not to fall over. She had already witnessed so many deaths today she couldn't even bring herself to focus on one thought, except for one. Taeko. Hitomi tried to control her breathing by splashing water on her face, which she stopped out from the riverbank next to her.

"Hitomi! There you are!" Kaito shouted, rushing towards his wife after spotting her. The father of Taeko sustained numerous cuts snd burn marks on his body, and his suit barely hung onto him with one thread. He slid across the ground to avoid being spotted by any villains and stopped once he crouched near his wife. "Are you hurt? Are you ok?"

Only thoughts of survival ran through Kaito's head, which is what allowed him to push past the sight of his friend's deaths. He had already accepted that their battle was lost, but he couldn't figure out how to save everyone. Kaito carefully placed both hands on Hitomi's face and searched for any bruises upon her. The two could only bring themselves to bring out smiles, unsure if they were real or false.

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