"Hey," Axel greeted then kissed me full in the mouth.

"Hmpf." I pushed the heels on my hands against his chest to get out of his grasp but he only deepened the kiss.

"Get a room, you two," Hailey remarked.

Axel finally let go of the kiss with a smug look on his face and wrapped his arms around my shoulder. "Good evening, Ms. Ferguson."

"Good evening, Mr. James. You ready for dinner?"


"You're not hungry?" I asked.

"I am. But not for dinner."

"O-kay! I should've known it was bad to have dinner with new couples. Hormones are just flying everywhere," she made an exaggerated movement with her hands and went to the kitchen.

Axel chuckled. I freed myself from his arm and shoved him a little. "What?"

"I'll talk to you later."

"She was looking!"

I followed Hailey to the kitchen, "So when's Josh getting here?"

"Should be in a while. I'll call him, give me a sec," She scrolled through her phone. "Your reception's still better by the window, right?"

"Yeah, yeah, go ahead."

Just as Hailey got out of the kitchen, Axel went in with both hands in his pockets. "So..."

"What do you mean so?" I leaned closer to whisper, "You can't just kiss me out of a whim."

"It's not a whim. I told you, she was watching. You wouldn't want to give anything away, wouldn't you?"

"At this point, I'm not so sure."

"Oh, come on, remember what Josh said."

I heaved out a sigh and rolled my eyes, "I know, I know. But warn me next time."

"You got it."

"Okay," Hailey entered the room. "He's on the way."

"Oh, good, I'm getting pretty hungry. So, where are we having dinner?"


Axel looked around at my empty kitchen. "I don't understand. Okay, well, I'm sure I can call someone to bump us up even without reservations."

I tugged at the hem of his shirt. Shut up.

Hailey's brows raised, "Don't bother. Josh is bringing the food."

"Oh," he nodded.

"You do remember him, do you?" Hailey asked.

His mouth quirked up sourly pretending he doesn't remember.

"He's the chef at the restaurant you and Lauren ate lunch at?"

"Oh!" he said, feigning realization. "Yeah, that... That guy."

"Uh-huh," Hailey's voice wavered to hide her disappointment.

I ribbed Axel lightly, I noticed how his lips tightened to cover up a smile.

*        *       *

Josh arrived a little while later and surprisingly, we were all having a nice dinner together. It feels light and airy. I know they use the term to describe Interior design, but that's how the atmosphere feels right now. Just light and airy. Like whipped cream. Soft laughs were exchanged. And even Hailey, whom I thought would be the biggest judge of the night, was in on the small talk fun.

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