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A sequel from the previous update. xx

Purpose - Drabble #11

"I saw this place on a magazine! You're right, you're a big shot!" Meredith exclaims as they both entered the bar.

Addison just smiled at her, leading her to one of the private rooms inside the bar. The private rooms are usually rented by VIP's around the place or by customers who'd like to drink in peace and celebrate privately.

She softly tugs Meredith's wrists, dragging her to the room. A blonde man tapped Addison's shoulder and smirked at her. Meredith being on the redhead's side, she noticed it and felt a pang of discomfort in her. Why?

"Well, well, well, Addie. Take it slow," the blonde man says moving his eyes over Meredith's. "Jet, this is my friend. Don't give me those malicious looks."

"My bad! The last time you brought someone in there.. it didn't end well. So, you know, take it slow."

"Easy, Jet. This is different, more platonic. Chill your ass," Addison gives Jet a reassuring grin before entering the room with Meredith.

Jet is Addison's first buddy ever since she came all the way from Connecticut. She didn't have any friends nor connections to build and establish a whole bar near a shore, but luckily Jet was there to guide her. He was her person. They soon became friends and together run the bar all from scratch.

Of course, there were a lot of busines-related issues that came up as soon as the bar's visits get higher. But having each other's sides, never did they felt they were alone. Both arms are always ready to catch the other, just in case the other falls apart, and vice versa. It was quite a bond.

Addison lets Meredith sit on the newly furnished sofa. Meredith wanders her eyes around the room, it really looks like a really expensive one. She was careful not to touch anything, nor stare at the bottles of liquor lined up on the counter. She knows well, she'd be tempted to try a glass but also, she didn't have the money to pay Addison.

"So?" Addison raises a brow. "What do you mean ‘so’? What are we doing here?" Meredith asks. She was expecting a loud surroundings because it was a bar. People drink in a bar, especially on night time.

"This is a private room, Meredith. I barely bring anyone here, and besides there's many people downstairs. We don't wanna be screaming at each other for a couple of hours, trying to hear each other out," says Addison. And it was true, she barely brings anyone here. The first time she brought someone in this room, which was also the recent one, it didn't turned out well. She fell in love with him, but the coward inside of him just acted up, leaving Addison behind.

Bringing Meredith to a private room, it didn't mean anything nor wasn't supposed to mean anything. She's a girl, and so was Addison. They were like friends hanging out, right?

"Right. So what are we doing again?"

"I don't drink, so maybe you wanna do the honors on teaching me how," Addison says as Meredith chuckles. Really, how come she owns a bar and she doesn't even drink?

"Addison, I—uhm, I can't. I don't have anything to pay you," Meredith hesitantly says. She really wanted to bond with Addison, but with her stupidness, she doesn't have the money. She panicked packing her stuff, she only brought a few bucks.

Addison chuckles softly, seeing Meredith's shy face, "seriously, Meredith. This is my place. You seem like a really good person, you don't have to pay anything. Besides, you were like me few years ago so I do understand."

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