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Plans - Drabble #7

"Gather up! We have lots of stuff to talk about, guys," Izzie excitedly exclaimed.

Four of the interns, Izzie, Cristina, Alex and George, were currently gathered in the hospital's cafeteria in their lunch time while Meredith is on a surgery on plastics. It was rare to not have Meredith around in their lunch time, since she and Cristina are both well known for having the loudest gossip at the time. Izzie, being the thoughtful one she is, made an effort to keep her other friends involved.

The blonde stood up among all the others, assigning their for their roles for a special party. Cristina and George looked at her awkwardly, making an effort to show Izzie that they're not all for it. Alex, on the other hand, was just listening to Izzie's list of opinions while trying hard to contain his laugh.

"It is going to be big.. and when I say big, I say crazy parties. She'll love that! But not big drinking crazy parties, just you know, big chill crazy parties, yeah?" Izzie asks for their opinions.

Cristina scoffed at that thought and Alex glared at her. George tapped each of their laps motioning them to stop throwing faces at each other.

"Izzie, Meredith isn't onto big stuffs. If you do that 'big chill crazy parties' whatever, I don't doubt that she'll hate you for like a year," Cristina says and Alex glares at her again, "what? As if I said anything wrong! I know Meredith."

"Wow, so are you saying right now that you know her more than we do? More than I do?" Izzie raises her voice.

"Oh, blondie, you don't want to raise your voice at me right now-"

A familiar sound of heels clacking behind them quiet them, allowing Izzie to return to her seat. The redhead furrowed her brow as she looked at each of them. Alex, as the person under her service, gulped as the attending performed her characteristic fright for interns, both hands on her side.

"Doctors, don't you have lives to save? I'm beyond sure you are not aware of the noise you are making and it's disturbing people that are actually eating here," Addison said still not breaking the intimidating look on her face. Soft and little sorry's were followed by that.

"You are interns. You are in a hospital, act like it. You're not on med school anymore nor the zoo. Go back to your attendings after lunch."

Before the redhead attending can leave, Izzie stood up again, "a-actually, Dr. Montgomery, it would be nice to have your thoughts on our conversation here."

"Seriously?" Cristina deadpans to George as he shuts her up.

Addison turns around meeting a smiling Izzie, a smile trying to convince to have her thoughts.

"This better be work-related, Dr. Stevens."

"So, if you haven't noticed, Meredith isn't with us right now because she's on a surgery with Dr. Sloan. That's a relief because her birthday's coming up and we want to do something for her!" Izzie explained and Addison just nodded.

"And right now, Cristina and Izzie are arguing on how to spend Meredith's birthday," George says.

"You see, Dr. Montgomery, Meredith is dark and twisty. We are alike on most of things, and one of that is not caring to spend our birthday's. Do you really think Meredith is going to enjoy something she doesn't want?"

"But she deserves this! She almost died on the ferry boat crash, and now she's working like a freaking horse. She didn't even take a break or something, which is strange and unusual, right?"

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