Chapter 15: Preparing for the Second Task

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Another day, another time.

Harry needed to open the Golden Egg to know a clue for the Second Task. He doesn't have an idea yet on how he will open it without making a noise.

Harry, Hermione, Sky and Laura are having a conversation on a bridge outside Hogwarts.

Hermione: Harry, you told me you'd figured the egg out weeks ago. The task is two days from now.

Harry: Really? I had no idea. I suppose Viktor's already figure it out.

Hermione: I don't know, we didn't really talk about the tournament.

Laura: He's more of a physical being, not particularly.

Sky: Mostly, I see him watching Hermione study.

Hermione: It's a bit annoying actually. You're trying to figure this egg out aren't you?

Harry: What's that suppose to mean?

Hermione: I mean, these tasks are supposed to test you, in the most brutal way they're almost cruel. And um, I'm scared for you. Even Sky and Laura. You got by the dragon mostly on nerve, I'm not sure it's going to be enough this time.

Suddenly, a tall Hufflepuff was approaching at their direction.

Cedric: Hey Potter.

Everyone looked at the tall Hufflepuff, also known as the Hogwarts Champion, Cedric Diggory.

Harry: Cedric.

Cedric: How are you?

Sky and Laura looked at each other. Laura started to tease her as Cedric was there.

Harry: Spectacular.

Cedric: Look, I realize I never really thanked you properly for tipping me off about those dragons.

Harry: Forget it. I'm sure you would have done the same for me.

Cedric: Exactly. 

Laura looked at Harry and Cedric confusingly.

Cedric: You know the prefect's bathroom on the fifth floor? It's not a bad place for a bath. Just... take the egg and mull things over in the hot water.

Cedric then left.

Sky: What just happened?


Harry's POV:

I took off my clothes then proceeded in the bath. I have the golden egg on the side.

"I must be out of my mind", I thought to myself. I the open the egg and that horrible screech noise comes out.

"I'd try putting it in the water if I were you", a girl said. It made me jump a little realizing it was...


Myrtle: Long Time No See.

She flies around like she usually does.

Myrtle: I was circling a blocked drain the other day and could swear I saw a bit of polyjuice potion. Not being a bad boy again are you Harry?

Me: Polyjuice potion! Kicked the Habit... Myrtle. Did you say try putting it in the water?

She flies around again and gets in the water.

Myrtle: Well. That's what he did. The other boy, the handsome one. Cedric.

I took the egg and put it under the water.

Myrtle: Go on, open it.

I did so and went underwater. I hear a voice singing.

"Come seek us where our voices sound,. We cannot sing above the ground. An hour long you'll have to look, to recover what we took", the voice singing said.

Me: Myrtle, there aren't Merpeople in the black lake are there?

Myrtle: Ahhh, very good. Took Cedric ages to riddle it out. Almost all the bubbles were gone...

She laughs and I felt embarrassed.

Myrtle: That other Sorvolo Sibling you always hang out with when you were first year until third year is just missing this.

I gave her a confused look and she just laughed.


Third Person POV:

Hermione: Harry, tell me again.

Harry: Come seek us where our voices sound.

Hermione: The black lake, that's obvious.

Harry: An hour long you'll have to look.

Hermione: Again obvious, though I must admit potentially problematic.

Harry: Potentially problematic? When was the last time you held your breath under the water for an hour Hermione?

Hermione: Look Harry, we can do this. 

Laura and Sky was trying to wake up Ron who fell asleep while trying to help Harry.

Laura: Heavy Sleeper.

Sky: Way Heavy.

Suddenly, Mad-Eye Moody appears in the doorway.

Mad-Eye: Hate to break up this scholar session but Professor McGonagall would like to see Hermione and Laura in her office. Not you Potter, Weasley, and the other Sorvolo.

Sky looked at Laura and gave her a worried look. Laura just gave a small smile even though she was confused.

Hermione: But sir, the second task is only hours away and-

Mad-Eye: Exactly. Presumably Potter is well prepared by now and could do with a good night's sleep. Go, Now! Longbottom!

Neville appears from behind a bookcase.

Mad-Eye: Why don't you help Potter put his books back.

Mad-Eye then left with Hermione and Laura.

Neville: You know, if you're interested in plants you'd better with Gorshok's Guide to Herbology. Do you know there's a wizard in Nepal whose growing gravity resitant trees?

Harry: Neville, no offense, but I really don't care about plants. Now if there's a Tibetan turnip that will allow me to breath underwater for an hour then great.

Neville: I don't know about a turnip but you can always use gilliweed.

Harry and Sky looked at Neville.

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