Chapter 5: Harry and Ron

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Time passed by and students returned to their common rooms. Hermione, Sky, Laura, and Ron are outside waiting  for Harry to come back.

Hermione: I'm certain he didn't put his name on the goblet of fire. We saw him!

Laura: There were also a lot of people who was there, and no one saw Harry put his name because he didn't.

Sky: Someone who is older must have put his name for his evil schemes putting an innocent boy's name in it.

Hermione, Sky, and Laura kept saying evidences and proof that Harry did nothing wrong. Ron just kept quiet and he looked kind of angry.

Hermione: Ron..?

Ron looked at Hermione and said nothing. Hermione looked at him in disbelief.

Laura: What is it?

Hermione: Ron, don't tell me you're angry with Harry.

Ron: Why can't I? His name was clearly in the paper.

Hermione: But you heard the three of us. The time we were watching the people put their names on the goblet, Harry never put his name! He was just right beside us.

Ron: He could have done it in secret.

Sky: He can't walk inside the age line.

Ron: Then he must have asked someone older to put his name.

Laura: That's impossible. He doesn't want to be in this remember? When you wanted to have eternal glory and Harry said "Rather you than me".

Ron: He's just a show-off.

Hermione: Ron... 

Suddenly, the room to their common room opened. It was Harry who just came back after discussing with Dumbledore.

Hermione: Harry!

Harry gave a sad smile and joined them.

Hermione: How was it?

Harry: Tough. No one believes me. I tried my best to explain.

Hermione: We're here for you. The four of us.

Ron: Three.

They all looked at Ron who was still angry. He then left and went to his bed.

Harry: What's wrong with him?

Hermione: Well... he... well

Sky: ...He believes that you put your name in the goblet.

Harry: But I didn't!

Laura: We know.

They all looked worried for Ron.


They all went to their own rooms. Hermione and the Sorvolo siblings looked worried for Harry and Ron.

Sky: Ok so you're Hermione. The one with glasses is Harry, and the one who was angry was Ron?

Hermione: Odd way to describe Ron but yes.

Laura: I was so confused on the names. Tell us more.


Harry's POV:

I went to the boy's room after I joined Hermione, Laura, and Sky's conversation. I saw Seamus, Neville, and Ron inside the room already. 

Ron still looked angry at me but he also looked like he's desperate for answers.

I just went to my bed and sat on it with deep thoughts in my mind.

"How did you do it?", Ron said that made me snap back in reality.

I was confused and just looked at him.

"Never mind, it doesn't matter. You don't even mind telling you're best friend.", Ron said and it made me angry.

"You know what?", I said.

"I know what?", Ron said back.

"I didn't ask for this to happen. Okay? You're being stupid", I told him. He started laying on his bed.

"Harry Potter calling Ron Weasley a stupid friend", he said while covering his body with a blanket.

Seamus and Neville looked at each other then at Ron then at me.

I had to defend myself. I stood up and went to Ron.

"I didn't put my name in that cup. I don't want Eternal Glory. I just wanna be... Look, I don't know what happened tonight and I don't know why. It just did. Okay?", I told him desperately.

He just rolled his eyes and turned his back at me.

I returned to my bed angrily and started to take my glasses off.

"Piss off", Ron said at me.


But, all about the Goblet wasn't just the thing I was worrying about. The Sorvolo siblings.

I had so many questions about them but they seem that they forgot everything.

There is something about 'Sorvolo' that has been going on my mind.

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