Chapter 12: Dance Lesson

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Sky's POV: 

Professor McGonagall gave us a few guidelines. She also announced that we will be having a ball since it's a special event during Triwizard Tournament especially on Christmas Eve.

She even called Ron to dance with her and it was hilarious! Students kept teasing him especially his twin brothers.

Now, Filch is fixing the music player so everyone could try to dance. 

Professor McGonagall: Now, everyone. Get yourselves a partner for today's dance lesson.

The girls quickly stood up and tries to find a partner.

I saw Harry gaze at my sister, Laura, who was just sitting beside me. She was reading a book.

I didn't really want to participate, who would want to dance with me anyway?

I felt a tap on my head so I looked up. It was Draco.

He just tapped my head and left like that. 

Laura: You know, that dude likes you. He's just afraid to show it. Let me guess, cause you're a Gryffindor?

Me: Wow, who are you? Sherlock?

Laura: Well, I learn from investigative books.

I just rolled my eyes while smiling. I felt a tap from Laura and she pointed something. Draco was just in the corner whole Pansy begging him. Probably to dance with her. I don't know.

Laura: Go on, I now you have a thing for that guy.

She kept reading while talking to me. Multi-tasking.

Me: It's not that easy, and he already has Pansy.

Laura: Did he though? 

Me: Did what?

Laura: Accept her offer to dance?

Me: Not yet- 

Laura: Then go!

Me: Why? I mean like, why you so desperate?

Laura: Go save that poor dude.

She finally looked at me but she loos disappointed in me.

Me: Go find a partner then if it's easy for you.

Laura: Fine! uhh-

Me: What?

Laura: I don't know anyone?

Me: Who's Harry then?

Laura: Eh- it's not that easy.

Me: Yes it is!

Laura: Go find yours then if you think it's easy.

Suddenly there was a pause between our conversation.

Me: You just threw my words back at me.

Laura: Oh-

We just looked at each other then at Harry and Draco. She continued to read the book but suddenly-

Professor McGonagall: Ms. Sorvolo and Ms. Sorvolo. Why not join us in this dance? It's very important.

Laura looked at me then shrugged.

Professor McGonagall: Come on, Mr. Potter doesn't have a partner. Also, Mr. Malfoy. I've seen that Ms. Parkinson have given up asking him to dance with her.

Well- it's not bad to try.

Me and Laura looked at each other for a second, hesitating to ask Harry or Draco to dance.

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