Chapter 16

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Quinn woke up to the sound of voices. She kept her eyes closed gently to listen to what the voices had to say.

"She's been asleep for a while now, are you sure she's alright Fitz?" Quinn recognized that voice, but she couldn't place it, her mind felt slow and groggy. She knew the name too, but form where?

"She's waking up." Knowing she had been caught, Quinn slowly opened her eyes, trying to adjust to the harsh light. Several figures loomed around her, and she finally recognized their faces.

"Where am I?" Quinn asked the group.

"The Playhouse." Coulson said, "A SHIELD facility."

"Does it have those white boxes?" Quinn asked, remembering her time in the cell when SHIELD first rescued her.

"Well, yeah but-" Fitz began.

"Why am I not in one?" she asked. "I thought I was 'dangerous.'"

"Quinn, you don't belong in a box." Daisy said. After a pause she added, "and we trust you."

Quinn snorted, "that's a terrible decision." May almost smiled.

"and we're offering to let you become an agent." Daisy said. Quinn raised an eyebrow in disbelief. "Or at least, you can start to train to become one, but we can't give you the badge until we know for certain."

Quinn actually laughed out loud. "I didn't think it was possible, but that's an even worse decision then the last one."

"And I would be your S.O." Daisy finished quickly.

Quinn's expression turned to a look of mock seriousness. "That's the worst one yet, Johnson." She said,  "every single one of my S.O.s have ended up dead. Two of their deaths were my fault. Technically three if you count Turner, but he was asking for it."

"I'm being serious Quinn." Daisy said, exasperated. When Quinn didn't answer, Daisy sighed, "Just think about it." She turned and walked out of the room followed by all the other agents aside from May. Once they had all filed out May turned back to face Quinn.

"Why do you always hide?" May asked.

Quinn raised her her eyebrows and tilted her head to the side. "What do you mean?" She wasn't aware she had been 'hiding.'

"You put up a facade around yourself. Act like you don't need anyone." May explained.

"What can I say, I'm a masterful actor." Quinn said dryly.

"And always hiding behind a mask of sarcasm." May noted. "Why? What are you so afraid of."

For a moment, Quinn faltered. She hadn't thought about it. She had never let herself think about it. "I" She bit her lip, "I j-" 

Fortunately, she was interrupted by the AI voice that operates the Playhouse. "Attention, there is an unregistered Quinjet requesting landing. Two passengers identified. Running facial  recognition now." the AI paused for a moment. "Barbra Morse." May smiled. There was another pause "and Lance Hunter." May cursed.

Agents of SHIELD: LostWhere stories live. Discover now