Chapter 14

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Quinn sat on her knees in front of Colby. "Most people start begging by now." Colby said.

"I don't beg." Quinn spat. Blood trickled down the side of her face and her neck, pooling at the top of her shirt.

"I admire your strength," Colby said and Quinn raised an eyebrow, "so I'll be done for today." He bent down next to her and closed his hand around her throat. "But I advise that you consider your actions a little more carefully before you act next time. Understood?"

"Yes, sir." Quinn forced out, and he released her.

"Guards, help her back to her room." Colby ordered. Two agents moved forward, but Quinn pushed them back.

"I don't need any help." She growled. Colby smiled as she got to her feet and limped her way out of the training hall. As soon as she was out of sight of him, she ran as fast as she could back to her room. She wanted to be as far away from that man as possible. She bunched up the bottom of her shirt and wiped the blood from her face. She changed into an almost identical set of clothes. This time with her number, 204, written on the front. She looked down and stared for a minute at the numbers before getting into bed.

She would have another training session early the next morning, and she was aware that Colby would want her to stay in bed and give up. She would not give him the satisfaction. She closed her eyes and drifted into a restless sleep.

Quinn sat next to a boy. He was covered in blood. He wasn't moving. Quinn looked down at her own bloody hands that were too small to be her own. She screamed, but no one seemed to hear.

Now she stood tied to a tree while a whip cracked behind her. The whip cut into her back, and she felt as if it would explode. The scars on Quinn's back burned as she was hit again and again. Quinn sat up in bed, drenched in sweat. She ran a hand down her back and shivered. She carried many scars, some deeper than the eye could see.

There was a sound outside the door and Quinn jumped to her feet. The door opened and figures carrying guns with bright lights on the top walked in. "Daisy?" Quinn asked once her eyes adjusted.

Daisy nodded, "we're trying to get Piper and Davis out of prison too, but there's a lot of guards."

"I can distract them." Coulson offered, "and draw them away, and then the rest of you can sneak in and free them. I'll meet you at the quinjet."

The team began to leave but Quinn stopped them. "No," she said, "If the guards see you here, then they'll know that the rest of the team is here too. I'll distract them."

"Quinn, you're in no shape to-" Daisy began.

"I'm fine." Quinn said.

"No you're not." Daisy argued. "we saw what happened in the training room. You're not strong enough."

"I'm plenty strong." Quinn snapped.

Daisy turned to the team, looking for support. "It is the best plan we've got." Fitz pointed out.

"Fine." Daisy said, "Quinn you draw the guards out."

Quinn nodded and turned to leave, but May stopped her. "How do you plan on doing that?" She asked.

"I'm pretty sure if I turn enough important rooms and weapons into dust, someone will notice." Quinn said, and May smiled.

 "Be careful out there." Daisy said. Quinn nodded and ran out of the room. She passed other inhuman room doors, and Hydra officers. No one stopped her. Even if her S.O. treated her poorly, she was a Hydra agent like the rest of them.

When she arrived at the training hall, it was almost deserted. The few people there were probably training hard in hopes to please their S.O. Quinn immediately noticed Peter Harvey at the far side of the room. He vanished and reappeared in front of her after a moment.

"I thought Colby was going to kill you." He said.

"Sorry to disappoint." Quinn said, "Still alive and well."

Peter studied her for a moment. "I wouldn't call that 'well.'" He said.

"I've been worse." Quinn said, and walked past him. He followed her. "You know I don't like you, right?"

Peter ignored her "Doing some late night training?" He asked.

Quinn smiled. "Something like that." 

Peter's mouth opened as he realized what she was going to do. "No. You can't. You'll get us all killed."

"If all of us includes you, then now I want to do it even more." Quinn said. She reached out her hand and the wall turned into sand. Quinn immediately fell to the ground, drained of all her energy. Changing things into things that were drastically different from their original molecular structure took a lot of power, and when she changed big things, she often had to rest for a while before she could do more. 

She was close to the prison, and the agents guarding it would notice. "What is wrong with you?" Peter hissed as the remaining agents in the hall began to shout. 

An alarm blared, and over the intercom a voice said, "All level ten and above agents report to the training hall immediately." 

"What did you think that will do for you?" Peter asked. "You're still trapped in here. All you'll manage to do is piss Colby off. Now all the agents will come for you."

"Good." Quinn said. "that's the plan." Just then agents came running through the doors led by Colby.

"That's her!" Colby shouted in her direction, "204, there!" He turned to face Peter, "178, please back away." Peter obeyed and stepped back to join the other agents as they charged.

Quinn dove behind a weapon rack to avoid a spray of bullets from the agents. She picked up two handguns and poked her head out. She took down several fighters before she realized that she no longer saw Peter.

She spun around as he materialized next to her. "Shh." he whispered.

"Okay I'll be quiet while you murder me." She said dryly.

"No." He said, "I'm going to help you get out of here." She raised an eyebrow at him. "I'll cover for you. They won't know I'm there."

"And then what?" Quinn asked, "you heroically capture me for a second time and get a big reward from Colby? Sorry, not buying it."

"What can I do to make you trust me?" Peter asked.

Quinn pretended to think for a moment, "I'd say just about nothing." She hit him over the head with the side of her gun, and he collapsed to the ground.

"Come out!" Colby yelled, "and I let you live."

"I'll make you a deal!" Quinn shouted, "me against you. No weapons. No powers. If you win, I stay. If I win, I go free." She could hardly expect Hydra to actually keep their end of the bargain if she won, but it was her only chance to get out.

"Very well." He called. "Stand down." He told his troops. Quinn walked out from behind the weapons rack and dropped the guns. The Agents formed a circle around the pair of them as Colby set his own weapon down and pushed it to the side. Quinn took up a defensive stance and kept her eyes trained closely on Colby.

He made the first move. He leapt forward and swung his fist at Quinn. She rolled beneath his arm and behind him where she kicked the back of his knee. He stumbled forward, but spun back around and hit her shoulder. Quinn regained her balance, and avoided his next attack. He grabbed her arm and threw her to the ground. He kicked at her, but she rolled out of the way and back to her feet. Colby swung at her again, and this time his fist connected with her already sore jaw. She had already used far to much of her energy changing the wall and was surprised she hadn't already passed out yet. She knew that she would not win this fight.

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