Chapter 12

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Quinn dodged Peter's first attack, and threw a punch of her own. Harvey stepped to the side and kicked at Quinn who cursed as his foot made contact with her stomach. Quinn jumped out of the way of another blow. "hate you Pierson," Peter grunted as she attacked again.

"The feeling's mutual." She remarked as she was caught by another punch. Despite her focus on Harvey, she had little to know warning each time he attacked. She hit him again and her fist connected with his nose. She heard a crunch and was pleased to discover that she had broken it. Fresh blood dripped from his face, turning spots in the grass invisible.

Peter's strong arm wrapped itself around her neck and pulled her into a choke hold. "Drop your weapons or I snap her neck!" He called, making himself visible.

"Just shoot him." Quinn gasped, and Harvey increased his grip. Daisy nodded to her team and set her gun down. The others followed her lead and tossed their guns aside.

"Let go of her." Daisy said.

Peter laughed, "I don't think I will. Imagine how nicely Hydra will reward me when I bring them Agent Pierson here."

"They won't reward you much if she's already been suffocated," May pointed out. Harvey glared at her but loosened his grip.

"I," Quinn forced out, "I'll turn you to stone."

"I have no doubt you can." Peter said, "but I don't think you can manage to turn each individual part of me into stone all at once, and incase you haven't noticed, humans aren't all made of the exact same material. You try, and you're spine might need some help before you finish."

"The treehouse." Quinn yelled. "You're friends are probably being kept at the treehouse. It's a former SHIELD base. Hurry before-" Peter tightened his headlock again, cutting off her next words.

"Don't move." Peter ordered the agents. He grabbed his spray bottle and used the last of it to cover Quinnly then the two vanished and left without a trace.

A light buzzing sound filled Quinn's ears when she woke. She sat up and let everything that had happened come crashing down. "What did you expect?" She muttered to herself. They always found her. She had tried to escape before. She was in a small dark room with paneling along the walls. Quinn reached out her mind to feel for the material and cursed to herself when she discovered it was the same walls SHIELD used in their containment rooms. She had no idea Hydra had been working on their own inhuman prisons.

A door to her right opened and she jumped to her feet. Standing in the doorway was none other than Gregor Colby, one of the newest heads of Hydra. Quinn's eyes followed Colby as he walked into the room and sat down in a chair directly in front of her. "Hello Agent Pierson," he said coldly, "I hear you haven't been very happy to comply." Quinn said nothing and continued eyeing him. "And that is going to be a problem; a big problem." He paused for a minute and met Quinn's stare. "Do you understand?" Quinn bit down on her lip, and didn't respond. Colby raised a fist and brought it down over Quinn's face hard enough that she could taste the blood in her mouth. "Do you understand?"

"Yes." Quinn muttered, and Colby looked at her expectantly. "Yes sir." She spat.

"Good." Colby's voice was dangerously calm. "And are we going to fix that?" Quinn gave a small nod that seemed to satisfy him. "Then I expect you to return to your usual sleeping quarters and be ready for training in an hour." He ordered. Quinn nodded and walked toward the exit. When she reached the doorway Colby stopped her. "Hail Hydra." He told her.

"Hail Hydra," Quinn responded, her voice distant. If her room really was here, then she was in the Treehouse, the same place Piper and Davis were most likely being kept, assuming Peter hadn't told Colby that she had revealed the Hydra base. She stumbled her usual route to her room; she didn't have to tell her feet where to go, they had walked the familiar path again and again. Quinn had reached her door and walked into her room before she even realized she had arrived.

Everything looked just the same as when she left it. A simple, gray bed sat in one of the far corners, and a plain, wooden desk sat in the corner adjacent to it. To the right of where she walked in stood a small dresser with only two small drawers. The only things on the bare walls were a Hydra poster, a clock, and a security camera. Unless she decided to count the tiny droplets of blood that stained the walls.

She sat down in the desk and looked up at the clock. 6:16. Her mandatory training would begin at seven, and she should get ready. She couldn't bring herself to change into her Hydra issued clothes, and she refused to except that she was back with Hydra, in the place of nightmares. Time slipped by, but Quinn barely noticed. Why not just stay here? Why not just let them beat her or even kill her? At least then she would be free. 

At 6:47 she jerked herself back to reality, and got to her feet. She walked over to the small set of drawers and pulled out a gray tank top with the Hydra symbol and a pair of black leggings. She got dressed and began the long walk to the training center.

"Almost there." Daisy muttered, typing rapidly into her laptop.

"You've been saying that for the last ten minutes." May said, looking over Daisy's shoulder.

"I didn't expect the treehouse to have such high security. Got it!" She began scrolling through the security feed. If what Quinn said was true, they might be able to find Piper and Davis. Daisy felt a small pang in her gut when she thought about Quinn. She had never really trusted her, but she felt sorry for her.

"Look there." Fitz said, pointing at one of the videos. "Is that Quinn?" he asked.

"Hard to tell." May said. It was dark in the room. Someone opened the door and the room was flooded with light. Sure enough, Quinn sat on a small bench against the wall.

A man walked in and sat down in front of Quinnly. She looked very small next to him. "Wait, I know who that is!" Coulson said, and the team looked at him, "That's Gregor Colby. He was a high ranking SHIELD agent before the whole Hydra infiltration thing."

"It looks like he's a high ranking Hydra agent too." May said. "Do we have sound?" Daisy shook her head. The team continued to watch as Colby hit Quinn across the face. She said something that seemed to make her happy. Colby gestured for her to leave, and she got to her feet. She stopped at the door, and Daisy could lip read the words "hail Hydra."

"Where are you going?" Daisy asked as she attempted to follow her through the cameras. After a minute, she had lost her.

"There!" Fitz pointed to another piece of security footage. A hallway lined with doors. Quinn stopped at one and went inside. After a moment, Daisy had found the footage to the small room. Quinn was sitting at a small desk, and staring up at a Hydra poster. It became apparent that Quinn wasn't moving any time soon.

Daisy turned to her team. "May, yo-yo. Keep watching Quinn. I'll try to find Piper and Davis. The rest of you can get back to studying the infinity stones if you want. We got a little off track."

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