Chapter 6

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"Daisy your badges distress alert just popped up on the map." Piper called. Daisy put her hand in her pocket. It was empty. 

Daisy cursed. "Quinnly must have taken it. Everyone onto the quinjet. We need to go to the distress signal."

"You don't think her pushing that button was an accident?" May said. It was more of a statement than a question. 

Daisy shook her head. "Pierson is a trained agent. I doubt she'd make that mistake."

The team loaded onto the jet, and were soon flying over the crowded streets of New York. "What should we be looking for?" Davis asked.

"I'm not sure, exactly. Look for things turning into things they shouldn't be. They landed in a small clearing and could hear fighting nearby. "Fan out." Daisy said. "Our goal is to bring Quinnly in, not kill her. Take out as many Hydra agents as you can along the way."

As May grew nearer to the sounds, she saw Quinnly through the trees. She was surrounded by Hydra agents, but was holding her own. As each agent attacked she ducked out of the way. Landing hits of her own. Anytime someone raised a gun, it fell at their feet in a pile of dust. She was good, but she wouldn't be able to hold them off forever. 

May touched her earpiece. "I found her." Then May joined the battle.

By the time Daisy had arrived, they had downed the last of the Hydra agents. "You're good kid." May said, and then quickly shot an ICER at the girl without giving her time to react. "But we're going to have to bring you in."

Nightmares plagued Quinn's dreams. She stood with her brother, locked in a room with nothing but a knife, and five words echoing in her head. "Only one of you leaves." Her dream shifted. She sat beside a girl who looked just as she did three years before. Abbi's breathing was shallow. Blood seeped from a bullet wound in her stomach.

Quinn's eyes snapped open. She was in a room. All of it was white and made up of strange paneling on every part of the room's surface. She walked over to the door and placed her hand on it. It was unlike anything she had felt before. She focused on the molecular structure of the material and then though of sand. The door did nothing.

In confusion she tried again. Still nothing. She began banging on the door, yelling for someone to come. Finally, Johnson's face appeared at the window of the containment module.

"Quinnly?" She said gently.

"No one's called me that in a long time." Quinn said softly. The director looked at her, confusion evident on her face. "It's Quinn."

"Quinn." Daisy repeated. "It's going to be alright we're just going to run a few tests and index you."

"How long?" Daisy said nothing. "How long will it take before I can get out of here?"

Daisy's voice faltered "I don't know. It depends on weather or not your a threat."

"Then I might as well just sit here forever." Daisy raised an eyebrow. "I'll always be considered a threat." Quinn explained. "I can knock planes out of the sky, turn buildings to dust. No matter what test results your tests return with, I will always be a danger to SHIELD."

"Fine then," Daisy said "It depends on weather or not we decide that your going to use your powers for our cause."

"Hydra said the exact same thing." Quinn said slowly.

"You think we're like Hydra?" Daisy asked.

"That's what I'm trying to decide." Daisy stood in the module for a while, not sure what to say. Eventually, she turned and walked out of the room.

Agents of SHIELD: LostWhere stories live. Discover now