Chapter 7

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"We can now confirm that Hydra's back." Daisy told the team.

"I thought they were gone."

"SHIELD has thought that plenty of times." May said.

Daisy looked at Fitz. "And I thought you said that was our last mission together."

"Yeah well, we're not exactly all together, are we?" Fitz scratched the back of his head, avoiding eye contact with the others. There was a moment of awkward silence.

"So Hydra's back." May repeated. "And we need to learn more about them."

"The best way to do that would be through Quinnly." Coulson pointed out.

"I'll talk to her." Daisy offered starting to get up, but May stopped her.

"No, you've tried talking to her, and I think we need a different approach." May told her. 

"If your plan is to be icy and intimating, it won't work." Daisy warned her, "She was raised in Hydra, and incase you missed it was trained by Ward."

"And if you want to know who she worked with for a while after that?" Fitz chimed in. The team looked at him. "Ruby Hale. Yeah."

"I'll get through to her." May said. Daisy nodded and she set off for Quinn's cell. She was laying on her bed facing the module with her eyes open. "I'm agent Melinda May." Quinn said nothing. "I need to hear everything you know about Hydra."

"Why should I tell you?" Quinn asked.

"We helped you get away from them." May said. "You made it clear that you didn't want to go back."

"Now I'm thinking maybe I should have."

"Why? Wouldn't you be punished for running?"

"sure," Quinn said, "but at least I wouldn't be in a cell doing nothing." May thought for a second then pushed the button that opened the door. 

"Go on then, leave." May said, her face expressionless. "I won't stop you."

Quinn studied her for a moment. She was trying to decide what May wanted so she could do the opposite. She couldn't quite figure out what that was. "You know if I go out there, I'll turn that whole place into dust."

"I'm counting on it." May said with a smile. Except it wasn't May. 

"A Nano Mask." Quinn muttered. Agent 33 had worn one of May as well several years back. "Does the team know?" She shook her head.

"Are you going?" The woman said after a moment.

"Happy to comply." Quinn said softly, walking out of the room.

Hydra agents stormed the lighthouse. "Where's May?" Daisy shouted through her earpiece. 

"Still no sign of her." yo-yo said.

"keep looking." Daisy ordered. 

"I've looked everywhere!" Elena's voice sounded angry "I should be joining the fight. Wait, there's Quinn."

"She's not in containment?" Daisy asked. 

"Apparently not," yo-yo said. "Do you think May let her out? Or do you think she did something to May?"

If she knows Hydra's here, and that they have the advantage, she'll help them." Daisy said. "Weather or not she wants to admit it, she's scared of them."

"Can you blame her?" Coulson said over the line. "She's been through a lot." Daisy blasted through more Hydra agents and continued to make her way to the rendezvous point.

"I'm going after Quinn," yo-yo said.

"No!" Daisy said, "do not engage." Yo-yo didn't listen. 

"Quinn! Stop." Quinn slowly turned around.

"I'm sorry," Quinn said with a small smile. "but orders are orders." yo-yo swung a punch, but Quinn easily ducked to the side, grabbing Elena's arm and swinging her over her head. Yo-yo managed to land on her feet, and spun back to face Quinn again, landing a kick on her side. Quinn stumbled backwards. She was small, and while it increased her speed, there was only so many hits she could take.

She jumped out of the way of another blow and slid past Elena's legs. "Just let Hydra take the base." She pleaded "take your team and run. I don't want to hurt you." 

Yo-yo refused to leave, and continued attacking. "Why aren't you using your super speed?" Quinn asked. Yo-yo gave her a confused look. "May told me about it."

"We all agreed not to let anyone know about our powers." Yo-yo said in disbelief. 

"It wasn't exactly May." Quinn continued. "Just someone who looked like her."

"A Nano mask. Alright then, If you want me to use my speed so badly I will."

"I just wouldn't recommend running near me." Quinn said with a smile.

"¿Por qué no?" ("Why not?") Elena asked in her native language. 

"Porque cuando te agarré del brazo, sentí que no era humano." The girl raised her hands. "Y ahora concentro mis poderes en convertir cualquier material en polvo si se acerca a mí." ("Because when I grabbed your arm I felt that it wasn't human. And now, I'm focusing my powers on turning any of that material that comes near me into dust.")

"Why don't you just do it now?" She asked.

"Because I don't want to." Quinn said as Daisy arrived in the hall. "I've done bad things, and I don't want to do more."

"Then why are you?" Daisy asked. Quinn said nothing, and Daisy sighed, "Fear." She whispered. "No matter what anyone else does, you'll still be afraid of them."

"I'd be a fool not to be." Quinn said, her breath was shaky. Then she turned and ran, leaving the two SHIELD agents unharmed in the chaos.

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