Chapter 15

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An alarm blared loudly in the Hydra base. "Do you think they found us?" Daisy asked.

May shook her head, "the guards are running away from the prison, not toward it."

"All agents level 10 and above agents report to the training hall immediately."

"Looks like Quinn did her job." Coulson said.

"Now let's do ours." Daisy led the team forward. They arrived just outside the prison where a few guards were still stationed.

"They don't look very friendly." Coulson whispered.

"Neither are we." May said, running at the guards with Daisy close behind. With a few well placed hits the pair dropped the Hydra agents. "Not bad." May said.

"I had a pretty good teacher." Daisy said, and May smiled. "Grant Ward." Daisy said suppressing a laugh. "Yup, he was an amazing teacher." May opened her mouth but couldn't seem to get the words out. Finally she just shook her head and moved deeper into the prison.

They avoided the remaining guards and found the door that would lead into Piper's cell. May nodded to Daisy, and she quaked the door down. "I've never been so happy to see you." Piper said. She was sporting several bruises, but seemed alright. Daisy nodded at her and ran back out of the room.

"That doesn't look so good." Coulson said.

"I'm alright, sir." Piper said, "Just get me as far away from this place as possible. I don't know how Quinn managed to live most of her life here. Where's Davis?"

"We haven't gotten him yet." Fitz said, "He should just be a few doors down. Daisy will be here with him soon." Just as he said it, Daisy came into view, followed by a limping Davis.

"Let's get out of here." She said, "it won't be too long before they notice the lack of doors." The team ran back out of the Treehouse, and to Zephyr 3. "Fitz," Daisy said, "Help Piper and Davis in."

"What's wrong?" May asked her, "I can tell something's bothering you."

"Quinn should be back by now." Daisy said, "she was just supposed to go in and get out."

"Maybe we should go in." May said.

Daisy nodded. "yo-yo, Coulson, Flint, stay here and guard Z3. May and I are going to find Quinn." Coulson nodded as the two of them disappeared back into the treehouse.

"Any idea where the training hall is?" May asked as they ran through the base.

"Nope." Daisy said. A hydra agent walked towards them, and Daisy walked straight up to him. "Excuse me." She said, "Could you direct us to the training hall?"

The agent didn't answer and instead raised his gun. Daisy quaked him against the wall, and he fell to the ground. "Apparently not." May muttered. "Think he's got a map?"

Daisy shrugged, "It's worth a try." Daisy bent down and searched him, but she didn't find anything aside from his gun. They heard footsteps coming closer and dragged the body into an empty room, shutting the door. A little boy walked down the hallway. He couldn't have been more than ten. 

"Hey!" May yelled as he passed. "bring us to the training hall. Now." The boy who was probably used to being ordered around by superior Hydra agents nodded and began walking back in the direction he came.

He stopped outside a large metal door. "This is it, ma'am." He said.

"You may go." May said.

The boy nodded. "Hail Hydra." He said and then turned and walked away.

"Well that was rude." Daisy said. "He's just a kid."

"A kid who got us to the training room." May said. Daisy opened her mouth again, but Melinda cut her off. "We don't have time to argue about it. Listen." 

Daisy could hear Quinn screaming through the door. Daisy took a deep breath and quaked the door open. Most of the Hydra agents had left except for a few scattered around the room, and Colby who was standing next to Quinn. She was laying on the ground and breathing shakily. Colby turned as they walked in, "well look who it is!" He said, "Quake, I wondered when I would meet you." Daisy raised her hand to blast him but he stopped her. "I wouldn't move if I were you." He said. "I could zap her brain right now."

Daisy and May looked closer and saw that she had wires hooked to either side of her head. "What is that, a framework system?" Daisy asked.

"No, not exactly." Colby said. "I'm letting her relive her worst memories." Quinn screamed again. "And she has more than  most." Daisy took a step closer, but Colby raised the remote to the system. "Don't. Move."

Daisy stopped, and whispered into her earpiece. "Yo-yo, we have a situation. We need you to find us in the training hall and take a remote from Colby." They sat for another few seconds. 

"Maybe she got lost on her way to the training hall too." May muttered. Just then, yo-yo appeared next to them with the remote in hand. Colby looked down at his hands and pulled out a gun. Daisy simply raised her arm and quaked it to pieces.

"Turn it off." Daisy ordered. Yo-yo fidgeted with the remote for a moment before she shut down the system. Quinn opened her eyes and looked around.

"Get Quinn." Yo-yo said, "Me encargaré de este tipo." ("I'll take care of this guy.")Daisy had no idea what yo-yo had just said, but May seemed to understand, so she followed her to Quinn's side.

"We're going to get you out of here." Daisy assured her. Quinn nodded and got to her feet. She took a few steps forward before she fell again. Daisy put Quinn's arm over her shoulder and helped her walk toward the door.

"Now let's just hope we can find our way back out." May said, stepping out into the maze of tunnels. 

Daisy looked around. "This way." She finally said taking the path to the right. Quinn mumbled something unintelligible. "What?" Daisy asked.

"Wrong way." She muttered, pointing to the left. A few Hydra agents ran out of the training room after them, but May got rid of them with ease.

"Did the machine really do this to you?" Daisy asked when Quinn stumbled again.

"Not the machine." Quinn said, "The distraction, I changed the wall to sand. It was a stone wall, sand isn't too different from stone, so normally it wouldn't be too hard, but it was a big wall. It drained my energy."

"Get down!" May yelled, and pushed them into nearby storage closet. Hydra agents had surrounded them from every side. Daisy left Quinn leaning against one of the closets walls and poked her head out from around the corner. She raised her arm and sent several agents slamming backwards into the wall.

Before more could close in, May rolled out of the closet to retrieve one of the fallen soldier's guns. She popped up on one knee and fired at several of the remaining agents. Daisy followed May out as the two fought of the rest of the agents. The pair peered around for a moment to see if any others were coming. Finally satisfied that they were alone, Daisy turned and began to walk toward Quinn, unable to see the fallen Hydra agent behind her raise his gun.

"Daisy!" Quinn yelled holding out her hand to stop the bullet. The bullet turned to dust and Daisy felt the stinging sensation of the grains slamming into her neck. In her already exhausted state, the simple use of her powers caused black spots to dance in front of Quinn's vision before everything faded to black.

Agents of SHIELD: LostOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora