Chapter 7: A Good Morning

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8 years ago

"My students, I have some news for you both. Next week I'll be off the island for a few days," the master said while typing on his computer that's inside his home office, only giving a subtle glance at the twins, his face not showing any sign of emotions as usual. He called the twins to his office to tell them about the news of his departure. "The quirk research institute, that you both know I worked at, called me yesterday. They informed me that my assistance is required on checking over a project that's currently in development," he stopped typing for a moment and finally looked at the twins, waiting for their reactions.

The twins looked at each other for a moment, 'Is it okay to leave us alone in this house? We just started summer vacation a week ago...' thought Luna, 'Well many of our friends have told us how their parents sometimes leave them alone in their house while they go out and do some errands,' thought Lucas.

'True, but is it safe to leave behind two seven-year old's?' thought Luna raising an eyebrow, Lucas looked thoughtful for a moment, 'Probably not, but we have each other, as long as we're together we'll get through it,' he thought and quickly hold his sister's hand with a small smile, Luna let out a tiny giggle, 'Yeah, you're right, we got this dude,' Luna thought.

The twins looked at the master who was waiting patiently for their answer, he knew very well that the news was sudden for them and they were debating about it using their twin telepathy, "We understand Master," they said in unison, "Excellent my students, I know that the both of you will take good care of yourselves and the house," the master said with a pleased tone.

"You can count on us Master," Lucas said with a grin.

"We'll be alright," Luna said with a tiny smile.

"That's good to know my students, we wouldn't want anything bad to happen while I'm gone....." said the master with a calm voice.


"Shit," Luna said while waking up abruptly from her slumber, 'Fuck! Why the hell am I remembering that again?' she thought and groaned, 'Maybe I should contact our psychologist, we did agree to video chat as soon as we settle here in Japan,' thought Luna while breathing heavenly.

Next to her, she could hear the shuffling of blankets from a certain individual who was sleeping over in her room. He was already looking at her, he heard her waking up and grew worried upon seeing his sister a bit stressed, "Hey, are you okay sis?" he said sitting up, both of them were sleeping on the floor, sometimes they would sleep in each other's room when they were bored and called it a throwback sleepover since they used to share a room until they both turned 13 and both started wanting to have their privacy, but that didn't stop them from having occasional sleepovers in their rooms.

Luna looked at him with a bit of tiredness in her eyes, "Physically? Yes, I'm fine, but mentally? Well not so much dear brother of mine," she said with a hint of sarcasm. Lucas frowned a bit, "You were remembering about it again, weren't you?" he said seriously, Luna avoided his gaze, "Yeah," she said in a whisper.

Lucas moved next to her and patted her head which was full of messy curly hair, "I could tell, it happened to me just yesterday, I was remembering about it too," he said looking a bit down, Luna put a hand on his shoulder and looked at her brother in the eyes, "I wish I could forget about it too, maybe one day we will completely move on from it. Leave it in the past and just see it as an old memory that isn't worth remembering at all," she said to him hopefully.

He let out a sigh and put his hand on top of hers that was on his shoulder and squeezed it gently, "I wish for that too sis," Lucas said looking at her with a small smile.

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