Chapter 2: Introductions

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Luna and Bakugou got out of the building first, "Hey let's wait for my brother and Kirishima to get out so we can all go to All Might together," said Luna stopping in her tracks and looking at the building entrance, "Hmp whatever nerd," he said looking the opposite direction. After a few minutes passed, Lucas and Kirishima got out of the building, Luna's face lit up and she ran towards Lucas, "LUCAS!" she said loudly. Lucas opened his arm wide, took his sister into his arms, and hugged her, she always loved hugging her brother especially when they would reunite after being separated for a while, for both of them it always felt safer when they were together.

Kirishima looked at the twins and let out a grin showing his shark teeth, while Bakugou looked at them sideways with his signature serious face. The twins pulled away, "We did it, Lucas! We fucking did it!" Luna said doing tiny jumps in front of him, Lucas showed his crooked smile and folded his arms, "Fuck yeah we did sis," Luna looked at Kirishima, "So how was the fight with you and my brother? Was it fun? Was it Thrilling? More importantly how did you manage to get the bomb Lucas?" she asked as the group started walking.

Kirishima scratched the back of his head, "I was kind of at a disadvantage, I can harden as much as I want but today, I learned I can't beat against air user quirks hehe," he said with a grin as if making fun of himself, "But it was a very manly fight, I gave it my all and yeah it was thrilling. Your quirks are pretty awesome!" said Kirishima giving a thumbs up and grinning at Luna.

Lucas let out a chuckle, "Don't underestimate yourself, dude, your punches almost left me with some broken ribs, you're fucking strong man. Give yourself more credit. Now to answer your question, I just used some air bending and jumped high enough towards the bomb and grabbed it." Lucas said looking ahead, "What about you sis? How was your fight with the angry angry guy? And why is he walking so up ahead anyway?" he said raising an eyebrow. Luna folded her arms and gave a tiny smirk, "It was pretty fun, the dude knows what he's doing. Amazing opponent to fight, he deserves some praise. Hell, he even managed to dodge my water whips," she said looking at Bakugou's back.

He looked back for a moment, he had an annoyed expression on his face, "Don't flatter me, our fight isn't over! You got lucky that All Might stopped us. If you think you won then you're a fucking dumbass. Next time I'll win, watch your back, Bendy Bendy," he said then looked straight up ahead again. "I'll take your word for it Bakugou, I'll be waiting for our next fight with anticipation!" she said with an amused smile.

"Damn I wish I could have seen your fight with Bakugou, it sounds like it was a pretty awesome fight!" Kirishima said enthusiastically. "Yes, yes it was awesome if I do say so myself," Luna said, Lucas looked at his sister and raised an eyebrow, "Espera un momento. ¿Desde cuándo tu nombre es Bendy Bendy?" he said still looking at her, "El Cabron se lo invento, honestamente me gusta. Primer día que estamos en esta academia y ya me pusieron un nickname, me siento especial." Luna said chuckling, all Lucas could do was look at his sister with an 'I'm so done with you' expression.

Kirishima's lack of knowledge when it came to Spanish left him very confused about what the twins were saying, but he had a hunch it had to do with Bakugou giving her a nickname, "Hey don't sweat it, he gives everyone a nickname. That's just how he is, it also means he accepts you in his way as your classmate. He may look angry all the time, but he's a good guy once you get to know him." both twins looked at him, "We'll take your word for it," they said in unison.

They reached the room where All Might was and saw him standing in front of monitors, they saw that there were cameras inside the whole building where they did the exam, and the four of them stood in front of him in line. "You all did great! You two, Luna and Lucas have a lot of potential! Very impressive techniques you both have, you'll become fine heroes in the future. I can see you both make a great team; I wish you both good luck on your training!" All Might say giving them a thumbs up, "Thank you, sir! We will keep trying our best," they said in unison again.

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