38. The Fox And The Rabbit

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Just minutes ago he was dominating me and the next, he turned into into this whiny baby that can't express his love for banana milk.

"Sheesh! Keep quiet!" I snapped causing him to stop his tantrum and look at me with wide eyes...before tears started pooling in them.

He started hitting me lightly, "You're mean! You're mean!"

He kept hitting my back and the light pats from him seemed like some boulders crashed on me. I wrapped my arms around his reluctant figure and raked my hands through his hair, trying to calm him before he breaks my spine.

He did calm down but the water gates were open and I didn't know what to do, his nose was turning red like it used to do when he was younger, his ears become warm and a weird scowl was printed on his lips. His eyebrows were knitted together and the middle part was relatively higher than the other parts making him look sad.

Well, he was sad. No shit Sherlock.

He crossed his arms and faced the other way, ignoring my pleas for him look at me. He didn't even budge when I forcefully tugged in his arms. Tired, I let my energy-less body limp on him as I breathed heavily.

Drunk people are sure moody.

Annoyed, I got up and got out of the room expecting him to guilt trip and follow me but I saw no one. I sat on the couch feeling the colder temperature compared to that of my room. It was still the same atmosphere when I got here fom work but I couldn't help but shiver after what happened in my room.

I still can't believe I let my self control slip like that! Like, I could do better but I got bewitched by the extremely manipulating aura around him. The hair on my body jolted up when I remembered his touch. It was like if he was wrapping me around his pinky even though he was doing nothing.

And I hate to be controlled, I absolutely detest it.

The door creaked open and my head swiveled up. Jungkook shyly came out in the light, away from the sinister room that caused so much tension between us. He gingerly glanced around while keeping an eye on me unnoticeably.

"Atleast put on a shirt!" He flinched.

"It's too hot in here." He fanned himself while laying lazily on the couch. Exposing his built chest for everyone to see.

"W-Whatever! Go and put on a shirt!" I commanded and he meekly nodded. After a while, he trudged back to the living room wearing a white t-shirt.

"The ground is shaking." He said while plopping down on the couch.

"The ground isn't shaking, you are."

"Nah, the ground is shaking." He rubbed his arms and blew on his palms to keep himself warm.

"Come here." I shot him a quick glare when he made that order.

"Where?" I asked and he gestured towards his lap. I questioningly raised my eyebrows at him to find a hint of amusement but he was dead serious right now.


"Are you coming or should I drag you myself?" He yelled not realising that his pitch was sometimes low and sometimes high causing it look like a stupid piece of incoherent rambles.

"Hell, I'm not coming there." I tch'ed. I walked towards the kitchen to pour myself a glass of water. When I was switching on the light, I piqued into the living room to see that he had clutched his head and wasn't showing any signs of doing any mischief.

My stomach rumbled and then I remembered that I have to feed this baby too. Patting it slightly, I asked Jungkook if he wanted to eat but he didn't reply.

Baby Or Daddy? (JJK) ✓Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora