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(just normal humans au. no superheroes or villains, just peace.)

Ages: Dick, 18. Wally, 20.


"God.. Why must you make me suffer?" Wally cried out to Dick as he grabbed on to his legs. "Let go of me, Wally." Dick said in a tired voice, dragging Wally to the kitchen. "I'm sorry Dick. I didn't mean to eat all your cereal." Wally cried more. "Ugh, you say that all the time. You still do it. I bought ten boxes!" Dick was too tired for this. "I'll make it up to you :(" Wally cried even more, if that's even possible. "Stoppppp." Dick started crying too. "Just let me make breakfast already." the ginger let go and got up. He slowly put his arms around the other's neck. "I'll make you feel way better." Dick stared at him then looked away quickly. "Yeah, I'll make you eggs. Scrambled?" Wally's face brightened up immediately and he nodded.


"Here you go... Wally?" Wally disappeared and Dick looked for him everywhere. He was missing. A few minutes passed and he returned, the food was still hot but it didn't taste completely fresh. "Aw man, this tastes good!" Wally gobbled it up quickly. "It would've tasted better if you didn't disappear for so long. Where were you?" Dick said, sounding angry. "I was buying you this." he gave him a rose and more cereal. "What's this?" Wally stared at Dick with loving eyes while he opened the note.

'Sorry, please don't be mad. You're the prettiest boyfriend ever :)'

Dick smiled fondly, "Mn, I'm keeping this." Dick went into the room to put it in his drawer of cute letters and messages he gets from Wally. He does this pretty often and he always calls him pretty. He found it so sweet and he thought it was the best part of their relationship besides spending time with each other. Wally ran to Dick's room and gave him a hug from behind. "Do you forgive me?" he asked while frowning. Dick thought he would tease him just for fun, "No, I will never forgive you >:(" Wally cried more, he was such a crybaby when it came to Dick. He started kissing him and begging him. "Fine fine, you adorable little kid." Dick patted his head and smiled. "I'm older than you.." Wally mumbled while tightening his hug.

"Okay, I love you." Dick smiled before closing his drawer.

The End

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