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(Enjoy this lazy story. I need to take a nap now.)

"Ughhhh." Robin groaned, in his costume. While he doesn't normally sleep in it, he felt really tired yesterday. "Huh? HUHHH????" Robin then takes off his mask and ran towards the mirror. Nothing big changed but his body looked weird..

"GUYS!!! WHAT HAPPENED TO ME?!" Robin shouted, Kid Flash ran to him immediately then stared in shock. "Hey~ babe ;)" Kid Flash was then slapped by Robin. "Weirdo." his voice sounded somewhat the same, like you could tell it was him but it still felt like someone else. "Robin, what happened to you?" Aqualad said, also looking strange. "I could ask you the same thing." Aqualad rubbed the back of his neck then explained what happened.


"So, what you're saying is that we were.. replaced by another dimension's Robin and Aqualad but our memories are the same? Wow, totally believable." Robin smiled sarcastically.

"Yes, that's a.. simpler way to put it." Aqualad clears his throat.

Aqualad's hair isn't any longer but his body is way more developed? Even as a man he had humongous 🍒, they just grew like 4 times their original size. With Robin, his body just became more feminine. He literally looked the same, as if the world told him "You never actually looked like a man."

"Pfft—"Kid Flash's water was leaking out of his mouth while he chuckled. "Oh shut up, you're lucky to not be the one who looks like this." Robin rolls his eyes. "This is hilarious." Artemis giggles. Miss Martian stared at Aqualad for a second then said "I admit, Aqualad looks pretty good looking as a girl." and smiled. "Thank you very much, M'gann." Aqualad said happily.

"Hey, if you pull a move on Robin now, it isn't gay." Artemis winked at Kid Flash who looked embarrassed. He had made up the excuse that Robin might be homophobic, we all know he isn't.


"Hey Ro-" Kid Flash's foot was then stepped on by Robin as he left. "Ugh, that didn't work."


Superboy and Zatanna were in the kitchen talking about coffee when they saw Kid Flash trying to flirt with Robin. "He has been doing that all morning. It's embarrassing." Zatanna said as she took a sip of her coffee and walked away. 'I wish you luck.' was written all over Superboy's face while he walked to the couch to watch TV static.


"Hey there, hi, yeah um do you mind if I-.." Robin nodded then Kid Flash sat down. "Wow, this is a great show :D" Kid Flash said awkwardly while him, Robin, and Superboy stared at TV static.


The next morning, Robin was back to normal and forgot everything that happened yesterday, it was the same with Aqualad as well. Kid Flash was comforted by Artemis while she just shouted motivational quotes at him the whole day. Kid Flash was a-okay after a little confidence booster and a sip of water.

The End 🦥🌴🥭

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