A walk in the park

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"Run, KF!" Robin's hair flew in the air while he held on to Kid Flash's shoulders. KF put Robin's hand on his waist knowing he had to be careful so Robin doesn't fall. "Ready?" Robin nodded and KF ran to the park. Before they knew it, they were sitting on the bench. "Wanna wait 'til a stray dog passes?" Robin suggested. "Mhm, it's pretty late though. They're all probably asleep." and just as he said that, they heard a meow. "Not a dog but you wanna check it out?" KF said before grabbing Robin's hand. "Yeah!" he didn't even notice they were holding hands.

Robin bent down to look at the white and soft cat, not letting go of KF's hand. "Awh.. Can we keep her?" KF looked at the cat and Robin while the two bonded. Animals love Robin so much that it's actually adorable, well most animals. "I've decided. I'm bringing her to the base." Robin let go of Wally's hand just to give him a high-five. "Let's hope Wolf doesn't hurt the poor thing." KF chuckled before Robin picked up the cat. "I'll get this girl vaccinated soon." he smiled before walking around the park. "Wait a sec, let me call Batman." Robin smiled at the cat and poked her nose.

*beep boop beep*

"Hey, yeah um. So I have a cat—" Robin's face immediately lights up before he could even finish speaking. "It was a yes?" Robin nodded excitedly before kissing the cat's head. "I wish I was that cat." KF whispered, Robin overheard and looked at him weirdly. Then he kissed his forehead too, "There, weirdo." he scoffed while KF stroked the place Robin kissed. He will cherish this day forever.

Oh, the absolute best day of his life, his first kiss with Robin.. :]

The End 🐏🍦☁️

The cat's name is Mickey.

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