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(GENDERBENDERS ARENT THE SAME AS GENDERBENDDDDHHDJUDUJ. genderbend is like an au where theyre opposite genderz and genderbender is when they get their bodies transformed into the opposite genders. yes i did this for an excuse to make wally into girl and to make a chapter with cute and chaotic lesbians 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩)


AU: Genderbend
Names + Ages: Wallace/Wally, 16. Rhiane/Rika, 14.

Rhiane is a female version of Richard, her nickname is Rika. Wallis is a female version of.. Wallace? Her nickname is also Wally. Besides the names and genders, everything else is the same. Guess who is who by looking at their names, I guess?

 Guess who is who by looking at their names, I guess?

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"Rika! Rikaaaaa!!" Wally called our for her girlfriend, she was late for their ice cream date! This never happens, Wally is always the late one. She got worried until she saw Rhiane running towards her with a lollipop in her hand while she waved it in the air. Her hair was in a half-ponytail and her clothes were very cute. She gave Wally a hug and kissed her cheek. Her sunglasses slipped down her nose and Wally fixed them for her. "Hey babe? What took you so long?" she said in a cheeky way. "Well, I was gonna wear something a lot more casual than this but you know how Alfie is." both of the girls giggle as they hold hands.

"Where are the others?" Wally shrugged, she totally 'forgot' to invite them! Well, at least they get to spend time alone :)


"I still can't believe you like vanilla more than chocolate!" Wally said with her mouth full of chocolate ice cream and her face being a mess. "Manners, Wally! And vanilla is actually pretty good." Rika licked the ice cream slowly. It soon began melting and she licked every single melted ice cream than was dripping down the cone. It was funny to watch Rika struggle to make sure the ice cream doesn't go to waste. Wally just chuckled at her cute girlfriend while gobbling the ice cream, taking big bites. Yes, she bites her ice cream.


"Oh, I got your love letter yesterday." Wally grinned while fixing Rika's sunglasses again. Her girlfriend really liked to send cheesy letters with cute messages all the time, she was a big fan of cheesy romance stories and loved to do adorable things with Wally. She even sprayed Wally's favorite flower-scented perfume on the letters. "Did you like it?" she asked with big puppy eyes, looking up to her girlfriend while smiling. "I love you." they both giggle as they tighten their grip on each other's hands. "That wasn't the question!" Rika giggled.

*homosexual noises*

"Those two have literally been flirting everyday, right in front of us. It's screaming 'TOO MUCH PDA' and I don't like it." Artis screeched in anger, literally. "I find it sweet." Aquagal said looking at the pair. (I CAN'T COME UP WITH A GIRL NAME.) "They were making out while watching 'The Little Mermaid' instead of listening to Ariel's song." Aquagal immediately grew angry at them and began to hold a grudge that will last decades.

"Look, it's you Robin!" KF pointed at the girl on TV. "Batwoman's sidekick, Robin, saved our city once again! Robin truly is a special one, isn't she?"

(In this AU, Bruce Wayne/Brooke Wayne is Batwoman and Batman is Kate Kane/Kai Kane.)

"You are special." KF gave Robin a peck on the cheek before they both smiled. "I truly wonder, who is beneath the mask? Could it be a rich supermodel or an heir to a big company? Possibly even an ordinary civilian. No matter who lies underneath, we will always be grateful for her service. Now to Dwayne with the weath—" KF shuts off the TV and pulls Robin in for a hug. "Hey sweetheart, take off the mask?" before Robin could speak, KF picked her up and ran to the room.

"Better now?" they both smiled as they both took off their masks. "Aren't those clothes uncomfy to sleep in? Want me to get you changed?" no matter what universe they are in, Wally will always flirt with every girl she meets. "Thank you for the offer but I think I'll change by myself. Now LOOK AWAY." Rika picked up Wally and turned her around. "I'll go change. If you mind." Rika changed while Wally took two or three quick peeks.

By the time Wally tried to take another look, Rika was gone. "Boo!" Wally yelped in fear. "You scared me! Your onesie looks nice." Rika was in a bat onesie and hands over another onesie to Wallis. "Here, put it on. I won't peek." she covers her eyes with her hands and turns around. "You have my permission to peek anyway." Wally smirked when Rika's ears turned pink. Rika didn't peek once, she had manners after all.

Rika puts a big stuffed animal away to make space for her lover. She patted the bed, signaling for her to come here. "Get in!" Rika pulls up the thick blanket as if it were a door to another dimension. "Okay :)!" Wally goes in and gets closer to Rika. They both giggle and hug each other. This was Rika's room but it felt like her home, she couldn't fall asleep with their faces so close. She was just a smiley idiot the whole night who couldn't keep her eyes off her girlfriend.

The End 🐻‍❄️✉️🖤

yep, theyre adorable. now i miss my gf, hope yall have a healthy and sweet relationship like birdflash does :/

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