Forty Two

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Driving home, none of my brothers had anything to say

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Driving home, none of my brothers had anything to say. Nothing. Not even Milo and we normally can't get him to be quiet. But I knew my brothers well enough not to push them. That's one thing we all had in common. So we rode in a awkward silence with fallout boy softly playing from the speakers. I was quickly starting to hate driving, we lived way too far from the airport. It didn't help it that the entire way home Josiah and Marco kept glancing at the mirrors and watched the traffic around us. They never said why or even acknowledged that I was obviously watching them watch the mirrors. Milo avoided my gaze entirely and stared into his lap.

It was honestly driving me crazy.

" Oh my God Mia what did you do?" Josiah blurted angrily as I pulled into the driveway. Scowling I looked over at him.

" What do you mean what did I do?! This was here when I first came home the police never took it down" 

" What happened?" Milo asked softly finally putting up his head. I met his eyes as I climbed out of the driver seat. A deep unsettling feeling settled deeper into my chest as I stared back into hazel green eyes of my brother. I don't know if it was because of us being triplets but it felt like he was silently trying to tell me something. Whatever it was, it was huge.

" Mia?" Marco asked sarcastically, snapping his fingers in front of my face.

I blinked and immediately smacked his hand away. " There was a home evasion" I pointed to the house next to ours.

Josiah and Marco exchanged quick, silent looks as they pulled their luggage from the backseat.

" Is Mrs. Tamberam okay?" Milo asked softly climbing out of the car.

I frowned. " You knew our neighbors?" We walked up the stairs and I unlocked the door. Sitting their luggage by the door, we all sat in the living room. I was next to Milo while Marco and Josiah sat in a separate chairs.

" I spoke to Mrs. Tamberam everyday after school, she made the best snicker doodle cookies. Mr. Tamberam didn't like me though, he kept thinking I was Marco. The asshole that kept walking in front of his window naked" Milo shot Marco a look.

A evil grin spread across his face. " It's not my fault that old lady couldn't mind her business. I'm in my room"

" What if you gave her a heart attack?" Milo asked incredulously

Marco shrugged nonchalantly, slouching in his seat. " We're all going to die some day"

Milo made a face, visibily biting his tongue and scowled. 

" Mia, are they okay?" Josiah asked locking his eyes to mine.

If I didn't know better I would thought he ripped dad's eyes right out of his skull and put them in his own head. My heart pounded as I debated on what I should say. Josiah looked so much like dad, there was no way to not tell him everything. I gulped nervously, looking away.

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