"Usagi! Harusuke!" a voice suddenly cried.

"And Mamoru's up here too!" gasped another.

"And just as we thought, the Gingo sibling were Ail and An!" spoke a third.

An and Ail looked up and saw the other guardians and Luna and Artemis, much to Harusuke and Usagi's relief.

"The others made it here," Harusuke gasped weakly. "About time..."

"Usagi, Harusuke, are you two OK?!" asked Sailor Mercury.

"No... not really," Usagi rasped.

Ail and An then set Harusuke and Usagi down, facing the Inner Sailor Guardians.

"So, you've come here to fight us, have you, Guardians?!" Ail barked crossly. "That's not exactly a wise plan!"

"That's right, so do yourselves a favor and stop getting in our way!" An snarled.

The two aliens then shot into the air going on the attack. She unleashed a blast of force with a wave of her hand at the Guardians, causing them to scatter to dodge immediately. Ail attacked next, firing a shot of his own at Sailor Mercury, Sailor Venus, and Luna, who avoided the attack by jumping. Sailor Mars then unleashed her own attack.


The Guardian of Fire unleashed a powerful fireball which took the shape of a large bird as it shot straight towards the two aliens. However, the two aliens were quick to block the incoming attack by erecting a barrier around themselves, causing the firebird to dissipate upon contact, much to Sailor Mars' shock. Next, mercury, Jupiter, and Venus jumped into the fray, trying to use their attacks too, but Ail and An were too quick as they both unleashed powerful blasts blowing them all back. They then continued to blast them with their energy making them all cry out in pain and agony while the two aliens laughed, enjoying the suffering they were inflicting.

"Your attacks are useless against us!" Ail and An cackled. "Learn your place, lower lifeforms!"

Usagi and Harusuke saw that their friends were in trouble, and they gave each other one look, nodding.

"I'll take care of Mamoru!" Harusuke said as he rushed over to him.

Usagi then sprang into action calling out her phrase.



Transformation Sequence: Usagi

Usagi holds up the Crystal Star brooch as it opens, revealing the Silver Crystal inside. Usagi waved her hand on the Silver Crystal, and it flashed it a bright short burst of pink light emitting a chime. It does it a second time, and on the third, it shines brightly, enveloping Usagi in its glow. Usagi then holds the brooch above her head, suspending it in between her hands, drawing it to the center of her torso, flipping it once before placing it in the center of her chest. She then spins around a few times as the crystal begins to glow even brighter than before in pink light. She holds her hands up as a pair of wings spring forth from her back while pink ribbons come out from the crystal wrapping around Usagi's body, forming her leotard. The wings on her back disappeared as more pink ribbons wrapped around her arms and hands, creating white gloves and red boots around her calves and feet. As the blue skirt appears around her waist, one more pink ribbon ties at her back as she does a kind of spread-eagle motion with one leg up, a glowing moon symbol appearing on her forehead. Her tiara, earrings, choker, and ordango covers appear, and Usagi, now Sailor Moon, finishes with her signature pose.

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