"You sure about that?" Harusuke asked skeptically. "The last time you said that you had a crush on two guys at once."

Usagi flinched, but then she smiled with confidence. "Yeah, but I'm over Motoki now, and Tuxedo Mask is Mamoru, so everything's fine. So don't worry; I won't go out with Seijuuro. Promise."

Harusuke stared at Usagi. Then he sighed, letting the tension leave his body. "I'm sorry. I'm just feeling a bit mad, is all."

"As we said before, don't let it get to you," said Makoto. "Just hang loose and enjoy your lunch." She then presented Harusuke with her lunch. "Here. You can take some of mine."

"Yeah. You're right," Harusuke spoke as she took a bite of a pork cutlet. "Thanks, Mako."

As Harusuke munched a little on Mako's lunch, Usagi sneakily eyed on the food and slowly reached out to take some for herself, but Ami quickly gave Usagi a quick slap on her hand, causing her to yelp as she retracted her hand.


Later on, after school, Natsumi and Seijuuro were walking home to their apartment to check on the Makai Tree. Natsumi

"Ail, I can't believe how you acted today!" scolded Natsumi. "Not to mention that you were very rude to Harusuke."

"Well, how could I not be calm?!" Seijuuro spoke crossly. "The way you hang all over that boy like that."

"That doesn't matter. If that tardy bell hadn't hung, you would have caused a big scene with Harusuke, and that would have been bad news for us," Natsumi went on. "The last thing that you want is to end up in detention like me. Besides, you also had no right to talk to Harusuke like that."

"Well, maybe if you weren't hung all over him, I wouldn't have done what I did," Seijuuro said huffily. "You need to stop hanging around him all the time. I honestly don't see what's so special about that guy you like so much."

"The same could be said about you when it comes to Tsukino," Natsumi countered. "Anyway, we really should be focusing on getting energy for the Makai Tree. We won't be able to if all we're going to do is argue. And I expect you to apologize to Harusuke tomorrow."

Natsumi then walked on ahead, leaving Seijuuro behind feeling more angry and jealous than ever.


That night, Natsumi was fast asleep in her bed while Ail was in the dimension of the Makai Tree. He was still feeling angry and jealous.

"I can't believe that girl! Why is she so obsessed with that, that dog!" Ail growled to himself. "A dog who keeps getting in my way and causing more headaches than I can count! And not only that, but he had the gall to call me a fake pretty boy?! Such disrespect makes him unworthy of neither my An nor Usagi, and yet those two are all over him! If they saw him like the person he truly was, they wouldn't be so-"

Then Ail got an idea. An intriguing idea. Something that was so sly that he couldn't help but smirk to himself.

"That's it. Why don't I show those girls how Harusuke truly is?" Ail asked himself. "And I've got just the Cardian for the job."

He then took out a Cardian card from his hand and threw it upwards into the air, making it stop, hovering. He then took out his flute, putting it to his lips beginning to play. The floating card began to glow, coming to life until finally, it burst in an explosion of light, the Cardian emerging from it.

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