< Part 1 >

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Scott had been dealing with a lot these past few weeks. Including dealing with Xornoth's corruption, exiling himself due to his ice powers growing out of control, and weird prophecies. Scott wanted nothing to do with any of it. But recently, things have calmed down, and he spent his time creating things, like the Secret Peony Garden and the Rainbow Road. Nothing too bad had occurred, and he could focus on helping his empire.

Those were the more peaceful times, in which he managed to not accidentally hurt anyone he cared for with his uncontrollably strong ice magic. That is, until the appearance of the Rune Blade. It had been found randomly by Scott, and he had been wondering what to do with it since. It bore similar resemblance to his Stag, and it had supposedly been a gift from Aeor. He wasn't sure what he needed it for, especially after learning it's origin and what it could do. What use could he have for this strange blade? He stayed away from it, not wanting to harm anyone. But more importantly, it signaled that something important was going to happen.

That could wait though. He felt as if he had all the time in the world, and there was still so much he had left to do. He wanted to become the best ruler for his kingdom, and the people he ruled. He wanted nothing to do with any weird magical items, and honestly, he just wanted a break. As he stepped outside, he noticed that Lizzie, Queen of the Ocean Empire, had landed in front of him.

"Oh Great Scott of Rivendell." She started.

"....Hi, Queen Lizzie. What's up?" He responded, confused by all the flattery.

"I would like to request fashion. Specifically, the armor you're wearing."

"What, no. This is Royal Rivendell armor, I can't just let you HAVE it. This is sacred-."

"Surely there must be something that I can do to impress you enough to let me have it...? To get on Rivendell's good side?"

"....." Scott thought for a moment, trying to come up with a challenge he thought Lizzie wouldn't be able to do, before smirking slightly.

"Hmmm, I know. I have a challenge."


"Complete every single achievement in the game. Every single one." he had smiled, thinking there was no way she would be able to do it.

"Scott, that's impossible."

"I know." He said, matter of fact "But if you do it you can have the armor."

"I see how it is. I'll be back."

"I'm sure." he said, smiling smugly. There couldn't be any way that Lizzie would actually be able to do it, right?

He was wrong.

He was sure she wouldn't be able to do it, but unfortunately he forgot that Lizzie was the only person stubborn enough to actually complete every single achievement.

Scott was in the kitchen when she entered the house, bursting in through the door.


"I like to make a grand entrance." She started.

They had joked and played around before, but this was not one of those times.

"I'd like to collect my armor please."

Scott was bewildered. "What? I thought you were here to ask for an easier task, you did it all?"

"Yeah. Every single advancement. I got them all."

"Oh well. I'm sure if it turns out you lied to me, I will get my revenge. I know where you live."

But begrudgingly, he handed over the spare set of armor to Lizzie, and watched as she flew away.

~ The Fall Of Rivendell (And Scott) ~ An Empires SMP Fanfic ~ Where stories live. Discover now