„Hey you", he whispered into my ear. I turned my head around to look at him and placed a peck on his cheek. „Hey", I whispered. „Feel free to lean on me. Just position yourself in a way it's cozy for you", he whispered and I nodded before looking back at Anna and leaning my head back on Niko's chest. With my head on his chest, his arms wrapped around me and the sound of his calm breath, I could have fallen asleep instantly but instead, I had to continue playing truth or dare. After I had spun the bottle, I placed my hands on my knees and watched the empty water bottle moving around. Before it stopped spinning, I could feel Niko loosening his right arm around me and instead, he placed it on my right hand on my knee and carefully intertwined our fingers. His left arm was still wrapped around my waist and his left thump was tenderly caressing my belly through the fabric of my hoodie.

As Anna saw his movements and the big smile on my face – and probably also my cheeks which were red from blushing -, she grinned and shook her head. „Looks like this was not a though dare, rather something these love birds were waiting for", she mentioned. Niko and I chuckled, not changing anything about our comfy position. „Maybe?", I shrugged before I added „but we're no love birds". And without saying it out loudly, I added even though I want us to be. By the way Anna now looked at me, I knew she wanted to ask something like „Seriously? You don't believe your own words, do you?"

Finally the bottle stopped pointing directly at Tommi. „Finally it's your turn! Truth or dare?", I asked excitedly. „Dare", my best friend answered. „Hmmm..", I mumbled, wondering what I could tell him to do. Since I didn't come up with something good, I decided to ask him to go into the kitchen and bring me some water. However, as he came back and handed me an only half filled glass, I got suspicious and decided to not drink it fast like I had planned before, but first smell it.

„Tommi! This is alcohol and not water!", I complained after smelling the liquor and by now, I was actually annoyed. Why didn't they accept the fact that I didn't want to get drunk? I'd have a hard time recovering from that hangover because my body wasn't used to drinking a lot. The last time I drank was Niko's birthday and I learned my lesson after that hangover. Tommi laughed at me and turned the bottle which again pointed at Niko and this time also at me. Why was it always Niko or me who was chosen after it was Anna's or Tommi's turn or vice versa? Why couldn't the bottle that Anna had spun point at Tommi or the other way around?!

Since I was the last one to do a dare before Tommi, it was now Niko's turn. „Dare", he said confidently but I could feel he wasn't too sure about that by his grip tightening a bit around me. As I saw the devilish grin on Tommi's face, I already knew he had a really hard dare in mind. But would Niko drink a shot instead? The last hours it looked like he really wanted to stay sober but would he still do that if the dare was to mean?

„You admitted you would fuck Sofia earlier, right?", Tommi asked and looked confused at Niko as he denied. „I said I would be interested in having sex with her if certain things came together. That's something totally different to 'I would fuck her!'" Even though Tommi seemed to think differently about that, he went on. „Imagine you spent time with her, you're as close as now and you notice your blood floating downwards. What would you do if nothing helped, you couldn't distract yourself and the boner was steadily getting harder? If you'd tell her an excuse to leave the room or whatever, tell it to Sofia exactly the way you'd do it", he explains Niko's dare.

Oh no, that's definitely not an easy one, I thought and wondered whether Niko would take it or not. „I promised myself I won't drink any liquor today which means I'll do it. On every other day, I would definitely drink but not today." After that explanation, he added something but he whispered it so quietly near my ear that only I could hear: „I don't want you to feel bad because you're the only one who doesn't drink. That's why I do my lever a favor and enjoy this evening like this. Additionally.. I want to remember this evening in detail because it feels amazing to be near you for the first time after what felt like weeks." And again, I blushed and felt like melting away. This man managed to make me feel loved in so many different ways, he definitely knew how to treat me.

A few seconds later, Niko cleared his throat, placed both of his hands on my waist and whispered my name. „Hm?", I asked while turning my head around to look at the handsome man. „We agreed on not having any secrets and to tell each other if something is bothering us, even if it's not that important, right?" I nodded and waited for him to go on. „Well... Right now I'm kind of in the mood to...you know... do some things adults do. No matter how hard I try, I can't get rid of my little problem and that feeling in general as long as you're so close to me... Can I maybe.. go to the bathroom for a second?", he then asked and I could sense how uncomfortable he felt right now. Probably the fact that he had said he'd actually sleep with me didn't make things any better.

Although technically he had finished the dare, I decided to join him. „Of course.. Just go to the bathroom, I'll go get myself some water which is not liquor", I answered and while saying the last words, I looked at Tommi. After that, I loosened my right hand from his and got up to go into the kitchen. I could hear that Niko went to the bathroom and as soon as we both had left the room, Anna and Tommi cheered. „Interesting that Niko would actually be honest", I heard Tommi mumble. That's one of the most important conditions in a relationship, no matter if it's just a friendship or more... Being honest with each other. Nothing is as bad when the partner tells you about it immediately and honestly, I thought before I filled myself a glass of water. After a few seconds, I could feel Niko wrapping his arms around me from behind.

I had no idea where my sudden braveness and change of mind came from, maybe I felt a bit needy, but I suddenly placed the glass on the table, turned around in his arms and whispered „to be honest, that wasn't what I would have answered in that moment if we were alone. But I didn't want to say my real thought in front of Anna and Tommi." Confused, Niko looked at me. Probably he was just as confused as I was because I hadn't expected myself to tell this to him either. „What was your real thought?" Before I could think about if it really was what I wanted and whether I should really say it out loudly, I could hear myself saying in a low voice that I would have asked him if I could help him to get rid of that problem.

„Sofia", Niko whispered and from his tone, I could sense that the following words would be rather serious. „I know that I said that I would sleep with you if some things would come together but I don't want to put pressure on you or anything. Of course, you are an attractive woman, the way you look but also your character, and I'm sure it would feel amazing for me but I don't need that. I don't want you to do anything you do only for me to feel good but not because you really want it. Okay?"

„But what if I do really..." ..want that?, was what I wanted to say but I was interrupted by Niko who was placing his index finger under my chin, carefully pulling me towards him and laying his lips on mine. His other hand found its way to my cheek and started to caress it gently. If I hadn't known better, I would have said that this was what a kiss full of love felt like. But unfortunately, this was not love but... I don't know what. Something else.

A few seconds later, we heard steps coming closer, but we didn't care about that. We kept standing as close as before, Niko's hands were still cupping my face but now we were looking into each other's eyes with a big smile on our faces. „And these lovebirds wanna tell us that they are not in love with each other.. If these gazes are not full of love, then love doesn't exist", Tommi eventually broke the silence around us. „Yeah. This must be love..", Anna answered in a low voice. „Let's leave these two alone. It's late and you'll have to go to work tomorrow anyway, don't you?", Tommi quietly said and before Niko and I had the chance to say goodbye to them and thank them for the fun evening, my friends had left my apartment.

So... Anna wants to pair up Joe and Hilla. And Sofia suddenly feels ready to sleep with Niko? But what did he mean with those certain things that had to cone together to make Niko want to have sex with her? Tell me what you think about that and about this chapter in general! Next chapter will be... interesting. I guess you have no idea what will happen, so look forward to reading it!

Cuddle Buddies - Niko Vilhelm Moilanen | Blind ChannelWhere stories live. Discover now