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Camilla's POV

It's been weeks since the day I came to the academy everything was running smoothly,I'm starting to build my reputation in the academy and all I need is to showcase my talents and capabilities. Dad said he would reveal me to the world when I'm ready but first I need to build up my reputation so things will go smoothly when I was announced as an heir.

I was hesitant for a while when dad told me the stuffs about the mafia but I knew it was for the best.

I've got a keen eye and that's why I like archery— I'm good at bows and arrows and crossbows even throwing knives let's just say my aims are quite perfect. When it come to guns my favorite are the snipers but I also like shotguns cause they're lighter than snipers.

Today I'm signing up for the archery club this will help me grow my reputation. Haven't gain my marksmanship yet though,wish I could get mine after everything was all set.

"Just as I expected"a husky voice whispered at my ear.

I saw Vincent leaning to me while I'm writing the application form or should I say request form so I can join the archery club. But I ignored him— he already annoyed me this past weeks and I hated him even more.

"Ignoring me? that's rude"

I just ignored him and went to slid the paper to the box—then I walked out.

"I can help you get into the archery club fast"he said,before I could even speak he dragged me in the hallways through the archery Field.

"What the heck stop dragging me"

"I'm helping so you should be thankful."

"Like I need your help?"I pulled out my hand from his grip.

"Im just trying to make it up for you"he turned to me.

I was hesitant for a moment but he really looked sincere so I guess I'll just let him"alright,but tbh I don't really need your help"gosh the kissy thing.

He arched one brow making an confused face"wanna bet?,whoever shoots the center targets most wins"

Looks like he's challenging me this will be a great gamble."if I win you'll leave me alone if you win-"before I could finish he interrupted me"you'll give me a kiss"placing his index finger on his lips"-here".

I thought he's making it for me,What the heck.

I blushed so hard but I shook it off so he wouldn't see,gosh what is happening to me."what the.."

"Also if you win- I'll only leave you alone for 24 hours"he added.

"That's not fair!"I yelled but he started walking. I just stood here on my place with annoyance but then he suddenly stopped walking."you coming or not?"he walked towards me then offered me his hand.

I tooked his hand and we both held hands in the hallways, I swear I'm not myself right now.

. . .

"This is Ainsley, she want to join the club"

"Hi",they all looked at me—probably wondering why I'm with this jerk.

"Ainsley"the blonde girl greeted me and I've realized that it was Katelyn.

I let out a small smile and wave at her.

. . .

"Ok I'll go first"Vince told me then shooted an arrow aiming at the 30 meter target
(most likely for beginners),
and it landed on the middle."ooh I guess I'm already winning"he smirked.

Mafia's Gambit(Re-editing)Where stories live. Discover now