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Camilla's POV

It's four in the morning,I'm checking my lauggeges to see if I have everything in it. I walked at the door,as soon as the maids saw me leave the room they quickly goes inside and takes all my lauggeges— I'm heading  downstairs while the maids trailed me down,I saw Haru waiting for me at the front door.

"Ohayou"he greeted me.

"Ohayou~"I smiled.

Then he chuckled.

Me and Haru would always have an english conversation with a slight of japanese language,it's quite are habit since we first learned japanese over english since we were born there and grew up their— but even though I learned japanese first not english I'm still fluent at it I even know how to speak italian and chinese because I needed to and also french and Spanish but it's just for fun.

Haru and I walked to the porch and headed to a white Mercedes parked at the front— the maids loaded up our lauggeges and we both got on the car.

Haru said well arrive at the academy by 7 and we will have breakfast there and he wants me to meet someone too. Probably he's friend.

Mom and dad said that I will be introduced on school by the name Ainsley Moriarty, a European girl and a relative of Haru but I told them to add that I'm half japanese cause it'll be weird if I'm relatives with a Japanese it'll  be weird if I'm not one of them. They agreed. Mom and dad said to avoid being questioned about my self and my family backrounds cause I'll be holding a fake one— incase I'll get questioned and couldn't find a way to change the topic all I would say is my mom and dad were dead oh how I wish they were really dead...but they still have so much to do in this world.

I didn't realize I fell asleep.

Haru wakes me up reminding me that we already arrive at Brookwood Academy. The driver got of and quickly opened the door on Haru's side then ran over to my side to help me. As soon as I stepped outside I saw the massive academy,it was so gorgeous—it has a European architecture which really made me awe at the sight of the facility we walked into the front garden across the big fountain at the center. I looked at my watch and saw it was already 6:49 just on time.

The Driver and our butler reminded us that the lauggeges are already at our room,well that was fast

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The Driver and our butler reminded us that the lauggeges are already at our room,well that was fast. Me and Haru don't share a room cause it's against the school rules and I'm guessing that I'll be having my first roommate. We walked at the front entrance and I saw a tall guy with dark brown hair like mine but a bit lighter than mine, he's a bit bulky and he has blue sapphire eyes and those eyes were staring my green emerald eyes. I felt weird that someone is looking at me so I tapped Haru's elbow with mines and luckily he quickly noticed it—he gave me questioning look and I looked at the boy who's staring at me. He looked at him then he let out a small chuckle.

"What"I asked.

Haru stopped walking and stand in front of the boy and they both stared at each other—right when he was about to introduce me to him I quickly walked off,I have fast movements and I know how to silence it. I quickly hide into the wall and peeked at them,they looked confused because I vanished in tin air but did not. I let out a small laugh.

"Uhmmm hello?"a girl suddenly stood behind me which I didn't notice.

I quickly looked behind to see a girl with wavy blonde hair ,her eyes were hazel brown which look really warm non like mine."uhh hey"I greeted her while fixing my position.

I saw the red band on her left arm I'm guessing she's a student council.

"Are you a new student?"ofc I am.

I nodded.

"Oh great I was in charge on finding the new students,I'm Katelyn btw u?"

"C- Ainsley.. Ainsley Moriarty."

"Your so gorgeous Ainsley"she complimented me.

"Thanks.."I replied.

She flipped the clipboard that she is holding searching through the pages." says here that your from italy and your a italian of coarse but also a half japanese. Wow that makes sense"she discussed.

I just nodded.

"Let me show you around."

I nodded again.

We walked on the hallway while she was discussing the rules and other stuffs.

"I'm guessing your a shy type"she joked.

"Not really..."I said.

"Uhh pardon?"she asked.

"Im just not that good at communicating..I don't have that skill "I told her.

"It's ok.."she smiled.

It was 7:56 when we finished. The academy was quite big but I'm used to big facilities cause our main compound in italy was as large as the academy. Katelyn looked exhausted while I on the other hand looked fine.
We stopped at the lockers as she tried to catch her breath.

"How come your not exhausted?"she asked.

"I don't really know.."I replied.

"All of the student that I toured around were way more exhausted than me"she states.

"Oh"was all I could say.

Then the bell rang.

Katelyn pointed where my classroom is and we both said goodbyes and she said that to meet her at the cafeteria. Then she walked off.

I walked down the hallways and searched for room 3-1,the first number represent your year while second is your section.

Just as I found the classroom I stood there and breathe no one was around the hallway they were all in their ckassrooms.I looked at my watch and it was 8 o'clock,just on time.

"Excuse me"I said.

Then I walked inside.

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