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It's been an hour since Amora has gotten out of the minor surgery and she still has to wake up. Her parents keep updating her on their flight and I try to text back like Amora.

Along with that I even tried to delay their flight by another day just in case and I was able to do so. Even at that time, fucking Kai called her a few times.

Yes, Kai.

For what? I had no idea.

"Are you sure you're not hungry?" Dom asks as he stuffs his face up with food.

"I'm sure" I mutter, soon enough my phone started to ring. Its Luca. "I'll be right back" I tell Domenico, getting up from the chair next to Amora's bed and stepping outside.

I answer the call, and without allowing me to speak Luca lashes out at me. "You killed the fucking American Mafia leader!" he screams on the line.

"Says who?" I ask.

"Don't play fucking dumb." He warns.

"I'm not playing dumb, I'm simply asking you who said." I scoff.

"That doesn't matter. Why the fuck would you kill him! Do you understand what you have done!" he screams again.

"Who said I killed him?" I ask.

I'm stupid not that stupid.

"I got news you shot him in the forehead." he scoffs.

"Forearm" I correct him. "He's alive and in the warehouse. I made it seem like he was dead just so I can blackmail his family and shit later" I roll my eyes.

"I told you before and I will tell you again. I can handle my Mafia. Take a step back. You left the Mafia in my hands to have a family. You keep doing that" I snap at him before hanging up the phone and walking back into Amora's room.

I sit back down into the seat I was in before. I fiddle with my phone, impatiently waiting.

Should I get the doctor to check her again?

He'd probably say the same thing he said the last fifteen times.

"When she wakes up and asks about the American Mafia Leader, I want you to tell her he's dead and has nothing to worry about." I tell Domenico.

"What if she asks you?" Domenico asks dumbly.


"I know for a fact she won't ask me." I tell him.

"But he's not dead." Domenico says.

You know he really makes me mad sometimes with his stupidity.

"Conosco quel fottuto idiota(I know that fucking idiot)" I roll my eyes. "I want Amora to feel safe when she leaves the house. I want her to feel normal when she does. I don't want her panicking or worrying with the American Mafia." I explain.

As I turn my head to face Amora and notice the corner of her lip twitch. I jump out of my seat causing Domenico to too as well. "Amora?" I whisper, gently cupping her face. "Love?" I say.

Her eyes start to flicker open. "Hey, hey you're okay." I reassure her. She slowly nods and looks around. "You alright?" I ask her.

She nods again. "Is everything okay?" I ask. And she just nods.

Stop the fucking nodding-

Not the time... not the fucking time.

I lick my lips a little before pulling back. "Get the doctor." I tell Domenico.

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