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"You got a date!" Sam shrinks.

"It's not a date," I reassure her.

"Hmm right. 'Not a date' sureeee" she repeats and also teases me.


"Amora" she replies.

"Wait, how am I supposed to leave the house? I can't tell my parents!" I say in a panic.

"Hey, hey relax we'll come up with something," Sam says rubbing my arm in sympathy.

"Fuck" I mumble to myself. "Let's wait for the dinner details. From there we can come up with something," she tells me.

"Hmm," I hum.

"You got this, you can literally come up with anything," she says. Moments later my phone dings, and Sam quite literally chargers for it.

"Damn" I whisper to myself. "He wants dinner tomorrow, at the world's famous Italian restaurant across town!" Sam cheers.

"I got a plan," I tell her.

"What is it?" she questions

"I'll tell my parents after work tomorrow I'm going to sleepover at your place. I'll go with Lorenzo to dinner then come back to your place and sleepover," t tell her.

"That could work." We both turn our heads as we hear the bell of the store ring, and we got back to work. After helping out a few customers I finally was able to sit down.

I started to think about what I should wear. The restaurant we're heading to is world-famous here in this city, I could go simple.

I rather not wear a dress. He better not mind.

"What's on your mind?" Sam burst me out of thought.

"Hmm" I hum

"Amora?" She says to me.

"Just think about what to wear" I smile.


I slowly open the front door and quietly shutting it behind me. "I'm home," I say in a normal tone. I spot my mom in the kitchen laughing away with my dad.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"Oh, nothing." Mom trials off.

"Oh? Alright then." I started to fiddle around.

"You need to ask something?" Dad asks.

"Uh? Yeah.. kind of. I was wondering if I would sleepover at Sam's tomorrow after work?" I mumble around. "Sure. I suppose." Mom says.

What the fuck?

That's it?

"You're allowing me to go?" I make sure.

"Yeah," Mom mutters.

What the fuck?

I slowly started to nod my head and make my way upstairs. That was easy?

Way too easy.

And dad didn't make a comment. Yes, I was expecting some character developments but not that fast.

I plop myself into the bed and just stare at my ceiling.


I pick up my phone and click Lorenzo's contact information.


My eyes widen the phone didn't even get the chance to ring?

How the fuck-

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