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I allowed Amora to take a shower in my bathroom, and I took a shower in the guest bedroom.

I walk into my bedroom and notice Amora not in here. She's probably still taking a shower.

I lay on my bed and started to think.

The doctor called me out of the room, to tell me the truth.

Why would Amora protect her parents that way?

I knew she was lying the second she told me. Normally when she does end up getting hurt she will constantly say she's fine and nothing is wrong, but this time she 'told me the truth' immediately.

I was so close to getting her parents killed off. I had the perfect plan and everything.

Her parents are going on vacation soon. The easiest way to get them off their original flight, would have been to tell them the flight was overbooked.

From there we would have offered a free 'business class' seat to the both of them on a different flight if they give up their seats for the original flight.

They would do anything for expensive shit almost for free. I would have easily gotten the plane to go 'missing'. And when I say missing I mean to kill then off before the flight even takes off.

We would have called Amora and tell her we have strong believe that the flight that 'end missing' has her parents in to.

It was a perfect plan. Domenico and I came up with it. But once I heard that Amora herself wouldn't want to kill her own parents.

I was lost.

I had no idea what to do from there.

And on another note, when Amora was sitting on the chair, and I was pacing around I saw some cuts while she stretched.

Some aren't even the right word.

There were a whole bunch of unnatural cuts.

"You Alright?" Amora asks me, bursting me out of thought. I smile and nod.

"You took your time," I say jokingly.

"Sorry." She mutters,

"don't apologize." I tell her. "I'm glad to see the pants fit," I say to her.

"Yeah. Perfect fit. Well, kind of." She replies. I bought her some soft plaid black and red pyjama bottoms.

I had bought them just in case she wanted to stay overnight. I lied to her saying that they were Sofias.

Since Amora is taller I had to get large so it was able to fit her leg length.

She's fucking tall.

Of course not as tall as me but tall.

She comes right near my shoulders.

And on that pyjama note, I gave her one of my shirts.

Which to add she looks adorable in.

"Want to head downstairs?" I ask her.

"Sure." She says, fiddling with her necklace. Which I never noticed. It had a gold chain and a pendant. A heart one.

"Your necklace." I start off. "I've never noticed it," I say.

"Yeah. Well. It's nothing." She sidetracks the topic of it.

"Oh?" I mutter.

She doesn't want to talk about it, that's fine.

I'm not going to force her.

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