Their first meeting

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Og Kira will be in this chapter. You know the Kira before Kim Yona possessed Kira's body.

Okay, I published this one accidentally while saving it. Lol.... Anyway enjoy^^

Kira woke up groaning as her whole body felt heavy. She opened her eyes and scanned The room she is in. It's the room where she first woke up after transmigrating.

"You finally woke up."

"The heck..." Kira shot up from her bed as she stared at the woman, in front of her. Blood red hair with brown eyes. All her sleepiness just vanished after she saw the person talking to her.

"Hello, I am the former owner of the body you are currently residing in. I am og Kira Henituse." The redhead smiled softly toward Kira.

"... Uh.. Well.. Hello.... Um... So, where are we? Is it something like a dimensional space made for only the two of us?"

"Yeah, it's something like that. Well, shall we talk for a while?" Og Kira

"Um... Okay"

"First let me tell you about your current condition. You remember what Amy told you before disappearing right. She gave you a gift."

"Yeah... What about that?"

"The gift she gave you are three lives."

Kira looked confused and urged Og Kira to explain further.

"It means you can revive after dying, for three times. Of course you wasted your first life just two days ago. So, now you have only two more lives left."

Kira's eyes widened. She will be alive again. She even got two more extra shots. 'Yup. Being one of the main character is the best.'

"That's.... Awesome."

"I know right. But, you still need to be careful." Og Kira

"BTW, do you know who this Amy person is? She knows my real name too."

"I am sorry. But, I am not allowed to talk about it."

"I understand."

Kira peaked at Og Kira before opening her mouth again "Say, why did you die? Of course you don't have to answer, if you don't want to."

Og Kira smiled sadly and said "To run away."

"Hmm... From what?"

"From my fate." Kira could see the darkness in her eyes. Suddenly, a question struck at her mind.

"By any chance, were you a vessel? But, that isn't possible. Because, you aren't a single lifer, right. "

"I wish I was rather a vessel." Og Kira

"What does that supposed to mean?"

"Number 5, why do you think you and the other 7 kids were taken in by H9?"

Kira's eyes darkened at the mention of H9.

"How do you know about them?"

Og Kira ignored her as she continued speaking.

"They were collecting kids from all over the universe. Those kids including you were the chosen one. Of course none of you were chosen to be vessels. It was for something even more sinister."

Kira's heart was beating fast. She never knew, that one day she has to talk about her past. Why is she bringing it up now?

"What do you mean by the chosen one? Are they perhaps somehow connected with our current situation?" Kira

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