Teaching you the way of a protagonist

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Hello, thanks for reading the previous chapter and for opting to continue reading the chapters^^
Texts written under '---' are the thoughts of the characters while texts under "----" are the dialogues.

Hope you enjoy~

It's today, when I will get to meet with Cale, I took a quick bath and got ready. Amy already prepared the carriage.

"Young Miss, will you be staying in the Henituse mansion after meeting up with Young Master? "

"Well, I plan to do so. " I answered. Well since I am Kira Henituse now, I should get to know my rest of the family members.

"Then I will prepare your extra clothes and necessities."


Saying that she quickly packed all the necessary stuffs along with her own luggage and loaded them in the carriage. She sure is a good butler.

Kira doesn't like unfamiliar people, that's why the mansion have only 2 people i.e. Amy and herself. Thinking about it now, she is doing all the chores alone, which is really praiseworthy.

Well Kira cook her own food and she is a good cook too. Overall it isn't much of a hurdle either. Well, I like it, since it's peaceful this way.

After Amy finished preparing everything, I got in the carriage. She went to sit alongside the driver. She was my only guard too. Thing is, she is strong, what I figured out from her thoughts is that she was a full fledged assassin, before she became my butler. She is smart and knows her way pretty well.

Well her profession didn't bother me much as she is loyal and she really cared about Kira.

With this the carriage started moving, the scenery that I saw from the carriage is really pretty. Children were playing and running around, market business is at it's peak too. Not to mention this place itself is beautiful.

I soon reached the count's mansion. And damn the first thing that came to my mind after witnessing the mansion 'they are hella rich.'

"They are really rich" I blurted out my thoughts.

Amy smirked a little and said"Count's family is richest in the country after all. "

"What.... Really" I couldn't suppress my amusement. 'Why did Kira moved out again. '

"Yes, Young Miss."

She then started to lead the way to the mansion.

Violan and my younger siblings were already waiting for me in the doorway. Watching them my lips twitched upward, that's first, like someone's waiting for me. It's really nice.

"Hello mother, hello Basen and Lily"

I greeted them and they greeted me back too. They looked really happy.

"Unni, you look so thin, don't you eat anything." asked Lily with concern.

Honestly, I wanna know too, I mean you are so rich, so why not just stuff yourself with all those delicious food.

"I am eating well, so don't worry."

'Aigoo... She looks so thin, I should fatten her up a little, since she is here' thought Violan.

She really is a good mother. She is nice, not only to Kira but to Cale as well, even though she is a step mother. Yes, I like her. I smiled at her thoughts.

"We should let her get in first. She must be tired." said Basen.

Violan said while agreeing "Yes, get in.
Come this way."

Twins of Henituse House(Trash Of The Counts's Family Fanfic ) Where stories live. Discover now