Our protagonist

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Cale froze for a moment. It was same for the others too.

"How.... Who?" Choi Han didn't know what to say?

'She died. No, no, no.... We shouldn't come to a conclusion without confirming.' Eruhaben was about to ask Cale to open the door. When Cale bursted the door with his fire ancient power and threw a stone spear toward the man standing inside. The figure flew and was pinned to the wall with the spear piercing it's abdomen. They all entered the room in a hurry only to be greeted by the site of two demons. They look like human but with red eyes and a pair of black wings and horns. They could also see the lifeless body of Kira laying on the floor. Her heart was teared apart. They were all silent for a while as if darkness overtook their last bit of rationality. With rage filling their mind, they attacked those two demons with all their power. Choi Han covered his sword with his aura and struck the demon as if to cut it in half. Eruhaben and Rosalyn binded the other demon that was pinned to the wall a moment ago, before it ripped itself in half and regenerated again. While Rosalyn's mana was gripping the demon as tight as possible, Eruhaben summoned his attribute and dusted the limbs of the demon. And, as if waiting for this moment, Beacrox swung his longsword to chop off the demon's head. They didn't even gave the demon a chance to fight back. It was killed and it's body then disappeared as if it was never here to begin with.

One demon was down. And, the other... Well Choi Han was beating it to pulp. He wasn't killing it, rather it looked like he was directing all his anger on it. No one said anything. They didn't know what to say. Ron whose benign smile disappeared long ago, regained his composure after witnessing that now both of the demons are dead. He looked toward Cale, who was the most silent of all. He couldn't read Cale's eyes. He could also see others cautiously approaching the cold body. The kids were already wailing. Ron looked conflicted. He didn't know that one day somebody, whome he considered a family, would die again. He have an unexplainable expression on his face.

'What if I would have helped her sneak out? Wouldn't she have stayed alive then? It wasn't even a big deal. No one would have said anything, even if they knew she sneaked out. Then, why? I should have said yes. I could have prevented it.'

Ron's eyes were shaking as he slowly approached the body.

'Again, it's happening again. Why? Why? Why? Did she die in my place like Team leader and Jung Soo..... She have always been stubborn, so why did she decided to listen to me only today? Is it my fault?
No, it isn't. It isn't my fault. I know, it isn't. Then, why? Why do I feel like crying?'

Cale's legs were losing it's strength, his eyes were teary but he still didn't cry. He wants to leave this room and walk away. Walk away and never look back. He knows he shouldn't approach the body. Because, unlike others he will remember it. But, his legs weren't listening to them and was walking toward Kira, even when he don't want to. One step, two step, it felt like miles. His steps were heavy and long. When, he finally came near her, he kneeled down and extended his hand to touch her head, only to quickly shot his hand back at him. It's cold. The cold feeling is now lingering in his hand. He didn't wanted to feel that coldness again, he hated it, yet he pulled the cold body in his arms and started patting her head. Her eyes were still close, even when he was patting her. She didn't look toward him and asked him to pat her more. She doesn't even have her usual smiley stupid face anymore. She isn't annoying him and calling him Oppa either.

'Oh, she really is dead.' Drip... Drip. Cale couldn't control his tears anymore as it started flowing out. He wasn't wailing loudly like others. But, they can still see the chaos in his eyes.

The night was long and cold. It was dark and silent. Only the mourning of the people living inside the villa could be heard. The night passed and then the sun rose. But, they still didn't move an inch. Even though the sun lightened the whole world, darkness was still covering their eyes. No one said anything as they all were circling the lifeless body. Cale was still kneeling and holding the body in his arm. His clothes are now covered with blood. Ironically, this time it wasn't his blood.

Twins of Henituse House(Trash Of The Counts's Family Fanfic ) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora